
I guess my workplace is weird... Out boss is basically cc’d on everything, since they’re not on Slack. Decisions and stuff completed has to get to them eventually. They’re also actually a part of the team and are usually helpful. But yeah sociopaths don’t usually do well in non-profit land.

I’m glad most of this comment section doesn’t need a dilator to have comfortable sex. But I wish people would stop shaming others for what they need medically.

Getting ongoing healthcare for chronic illnesses was always hard on campus. It was also the first time I had to navigate the healthcare industry. Learning to navigate the healthcare system alone, in a new state or country, with an illness that can kill you if improperly managed was a do or die challenge. Not to

Some of the City Targets around me currently have pharmacies that provide prescription medications. When I say pharmacy that’s what I mean. When you have a chronic illness, access to a pharmacy to fill your medications, like insulin, your antidepressants, or your asthma inhalers, can be the difference between life and

The majority of students on a lot of campuses don’t have access to cars. My school, on weekends, ran an hourly shuttle to the local shopping/commercial areas.

Corollary: Turn off AirDrop to stop receiving dick pics on public trans.

I have super low blood pressure too! My doctor also told me to eat more salt. So I just eat instant ramen once a week as a meal. My doctor was actually okay with me going on BCPs, because he thought the raised blood pressure might help. 

I think the Japanese version is available by the artist herself on Spotify. Search for Kumi Koda.

It doesn’t have rewinding satellite radio!

Pretty frequently...

Please don’t lie to kids in general when there might be pain involved. I got my period in my tweens and it took 15 years to figure out that the amount of pain I felt during that week was abnormal, because no one wanted to honestly tell me how much pain was normal during my period. Not one doctor took me seriously

It’s called Everlane, Uniqlo, or Muji.

I buy fancy toothpaste and the Cocofloss mentioned in the article, because I despise mint or fake bubble gum flavored things. Cinnamon, ginger, or clove are much better at night. I didn’t brush frequently enough before I switched.

Are you on well water? My family installed a water softener, because the well water we had was much too hard and built up deposits on everything it touched.

I highly recommend Ikea.

Call them? They might not be considered necessary personnel during the shutdown. So their offices might be closed right now.

I’m asexual and a woman. I am definitely oblivious when people are flirting with me, but I deal out definite rejection as soon as I figure out that they want sex. Personally, I think wasting someones’ time is basically the worst thing you can do to someone.

Pusheen Box is absolutely awesome! It only comes every 3 months though. :(

A doctor’s appointment co-pay for an ongoing bother or boosters on your vaccines. Seriously if you have a niggling issue, it can be the sign of something bigger. Health problems are usually easier to manage or resolve when they are small and merely bothersome.

Kirby’s Epic Yarn... Seriously... the fuzzy feelings and no dying is great especially for a wee-one! :)