
Yup. You seem to have a great understanding of the purpore of this article. A+ for you. Good job.

My favorite thing is when guys say they like girls who don't wear makeup. Every time a man says that, I laugh (in his face) and laugh and laugh and laugh and then explain that they actually don't.

I always read that about guy's thinking on makeup and it makes me laugh. For whatever reason, they think they're being "tricked." Like, yeah I was actually born with bright red matte lips or colorful eyelids.

I like cat-eye liner and how it makes me look so cats needs to get over the fact that they were doing it first and just be grateful that I like something that they came up with. I mean let's be real here, cat-eye wasn't even fashionable until humans started doing it anyways. We did them a favor.

This is so cute! Haha I was talking to my husband the other day about something and the subject came up of how I usually just bring my makeup pouch with me to work and put it on at my desk if I want to put on makeup that day (I wear very little or none most days). He actually said "Sorry to be the one to tell you

I now understand why my cat is always stealing my eyeliner pencil. He's pissed off about appropriation.

I usually just say something like, "I know. Koalas, am I right?" And then when they look at me like I'm insane I continue with, "Oh, I thought I was allowed to insert my own noun - like Mad Libs. Were you talking about something else?"

I had a discussion with a man online who repeatedly used the word female, so I asked him if he knew it was offensive to many. He said he did and that's why he used it. I further pressed him and he said he did not view women as human beings and thus deserved the "female" terminology used to describe animals. It was a

Whenever I hear somebody use female as a noun while referring to humans, it is an immediate sign to me that whatever is coming out of their mouth will be deeply rooted in misogyny. I have yet to be wrong.

if religion got out of the business of politics and morality-legislation (while being tax-free) i would be more on board with this... but the religious influence politics and make policies based on their religion that affect us all - as a non-believer, i don't tolerate that.

It's always nice to see some research dissing that "there's no good without God" bullshit. That's the worst. I was raised catholic, and still (mostly) am, but that sentiment always pissed me off. People are generally pretty decent, and no lack of belief in a deity is going to make someone into a murderer or a thief or

I was raised in an atheist household (I'm 25 now), and I'm always surprised at how uncommon it is. I know lots of atheists, but all of them came to their atheism as teenagers or adults. I don't know anyone else with atheist parents.

That's what is baffling to me. Can you imagine the reverse? "Hi, I'm an MP from Surrey who has a snowballs chance in hell of winning my parties nomination, let alone prime minister, but I demand to meet with you President Obama".

Pled guilty to rape and then went on twitter rants about how women who have really been raped remember it unlike his unconscious victim.

Pretty much. But I can tell you that here in NJ, we're fairly tired of seeing His Royal traipsing around other states/countries in luxury boxes while we're instructed to 'tighten our belts' and 'sacrifice'. Roads and bridges here are falling apart; we're behind our neighboring states in recovering jobs; and we've

You do realize the idea that some people don't deserve a fair trial is a common first step on the long, horrible path toward genocide?

Business idea #2: a place where people can go to snuggle with cats while not doing yoga.

I'm not anti-gun. I grew up in a place with guns. I understand their utility. But the reason I've never bought one — besides the difficulty of getting a CHL license in New York — is that it's another thing someone can wrestle away from me and use against me. I just don't think it's a solution to the larger issue.

A few minutes before the tweets started, I had gotten an email from Domino's, letting me know that my pizza order was ready, payable with cash upon delivery. I'd shrugged it off as a glitch in their ordering system. I hadn't ordered a pizza, and the address listed on the order was an apartment I hadn't lived in for a

If it helps, my father once looked at me over the dinner table when I was thirteen and said - entirely politely and trying to be "helpful" - that we could probably afford a nose job for me.