
....or climate change scientists about climate change, or paleontologists about the actual date of fossils, or or or or...this is fun game, let's keep going.

Same. I get the "you are SO tan what is your secret?" "Being birthed from a brown lady" is usually my response.

Way to discount at least 3 women of color and a dude to suit your false narrative.

You read it wrong.

All the more reason the government to provide maternity leave for ALL workers.

Also, one other fun fact: the proposed laws state that any judge who overturns them will be removed and that the plaintiffs will have to pay for all court costs and labor fees for both sides.

I know some other commenters have touched on this, but I really have to share this because my entire life has revolves around this to some degree.

I started this as an actual response to your comment, but it morphed into this whole other thing. I still feel it should be posted, and I hope you understand I genuinely started this to give my input and it turned into a rant I apparently needed to let go of. I apologize in advance.

How could you not include this part?

Check this part out:

People are jealous that they aren't confident enough and attractive enough.

as someone who was arrested and plead guilty for stealing tampons and a bra from target as a homeless 18 year old I say fuck yes to this being a thing.

If dudes' sucks bled once a month, tampons and pads would be offered free in every public restroom right next to the toilet paper.

It's amazing how many people will excuse it though. I have a cousin who is on his third family. Stop getting married, dude.

Righhhht. And if you rape someone, you're a rapist. Despite what you think you are or what you think you feel about women.

This is information provided by the CDC, not scare mongering.

That you, James May?

I think the point is mostly that it's not about you. I, like you, very rarely get sick. But because I rarely get sick, I often take a while to recognize anything serious when I do get it. If I did happen to get the flu, I could be walking around, taking public transit, using the gym, etc., without even knowing I