i am borderline asexual. I only enjoy sex if I'm wasted. It was a relief to find out after a year and serious conversation that he too has little to no sex drive. Were both totally OK with it. Its amazing. And rare but I'm happy.
i am borderline asexual. I only enjoy sex if I'm wasted. It was a relief to find out after a year and serious conversation that he too has little to no sex drive. Were both totally OK with it. Its amazing. And rare but I'm happy.
Unless it was necessary
After spending a four-hour flight next to a Coca-Cola executive trying to brush up against my boobs every time he moved, I'm ok with this.
What? Those are actual useful adjectives.
Only on the holidays, bae.
I find it offensive too, although I'm not a lawyer and neither is my husband.
It's related to fund-raising. So networking/cultivating friendships for profit-based purposes. So, pretty much the worst.
Might wanna channel all that blissful orgasmic energy into working on those empathy skills then.
Actually, it's extremely cool. If I were this bloke's neighbor I'd give him a big xmas hug just for doing something so awesome.
Bullshit. Going to this kind of restaurant is like going to the Louvre and asking them to hang up some fucking Thomas Kinkade paintings. You're asking for an experience they don't fucking offer. Go somewhere that does, and stop wasting people's time.
I sincerely doubt that there was any ranch dressing in that kitchen to be had.
I was serving a grandfather and his teenage grandson. The kid asked for a bowl of chili, at which point I explained that we were out of chili, apologized (why we as servers have to do this, I don't know, but we do) and told him the other soups we had available. The kid said, "But I wanted the chili." Ok, well,…
Are the MRAs here already? That was fast.
What's bizarre to me is how a lot of men don't seem to ever even think about how much space they take up. As a woman, that's on your mind everywhere you sit, every time. I don't know what it would be like to have never even thought of that before.
I'm not very into kids in general. I don't hate them, but they don't interest me much (aside from my nephews, of course). But even I, the heartless witch, have to sympathize with kids on planes; their ears hurt! I remember the pressure being SO much worse as a kid. Throw in some nagging teething pain, and FUCK that! I…
There is so much bullshit wrapped up in the caste system that many of them still haven't gotten past. Indian men can be very hit or miss, even in professional situations. I've had Indian men who refused to take direction from a female department head (on topics like "dividing by zero causes an error, so at the very…
As an Indian lady who is being forced to eventually "arrange-marry" an Indian man, I can attest that a lot of them are disgusting. The non-Americanized ones anyway. And my mom wonders why i can't just pick somebody already.
I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.…
I love how guys have to actually feel what it's like to be a woman to sympathize with us instead of you know, taking our word on it? Especially when a majority of women talk about their weird online dating experiences.