
I'm so sad this was Jesse Moynihan's last episode, I loved his episodes. He really knew how to do a great, and sometimes weird in a good way, AT episode. I hope he comes back for an ep or two before the show ends.

It was a nice episode. The only thing I didn't like that much, was how long it took to have all the characters to say nice things about Sheldon… Other that that it was ok. Neither the 100th was a big episode.

Good episode, I didn't expect an amazingly good episode right after the big Shamy/Star Wars one, so I'm ok with this one, it was funny that's it.

Just wonderful. ♥
Perfect episode.

Great news for Adventure Time!!! And I suppose that if Gumball gets renewed it will be next year, season 4 is going to start soon and they already announced season 5.

Even Is that You? Man, that episode was amazing!

There's only one thing I can say… I loved this two episodes! What a great way to end what was probably the best season of this show, so far!

What a great episode!!! Totally loved it! Everything felt so "real"… Great writing on this one. Probably the best season finale for tbbt.
It's amazing how a show this old still has a lot to say.

One of the funniest episodes of this season! I always wanted to see the two mothers on the same episode!

I want to see Leonard in a fez and bowtie! :D

Ugh, the haters giving F to every episode.

Finn Mertens! I wasn't ready to hear him saying it!

I love Jesse Moynihan's episodes, and this one was even more amazing than the usual! LOVED IT.

Nah, there the problem was the movie, not Matt or Eva. For what he was given he did a good job.
Watch Cristopher and his kind, he's really good in it and the story is interesting!

Yep, it's the first time, I hope he'll write again for the show.

Only a "C" for the second episode? While I agree on the first one, I totally disagree on the second, it was a very good episode with some of the best scenes between Sheldon and Howard.

There are plenty of great episode written by Steven Moffat, after The Eleventh Hour! Like Series 6 two parter opener, or A Good Man Goes To War or 11's final trilogy. Saying that this was the best episode since TEH is like saying that nothing was good in between, which is wrong because 11's run is amazing.

One of the funniest XD

Sorry, but I can't disagree more with you XD I think Time was a fantastic episode that, not only closed a great trilogy, but also closed pretty much everything that was left open, on purpose, during Matt's three Series and gave to 11 and Matt one of the most beautiful goodbyes.
Watch it again, it really is a great

Well, I love him, both as a writer and as a show-runner, but I'm totally open to some sane criticism on him or whoever and whatever I love, because I like to hear others opinions.
What really piss me off on tumblr, lately, is the hate that some have for things they simply don't like (or others tell them to not like).