
People on tumblr hates Steven Moffat, still he is the best writer and the one with the highest rated episodes on doctor who. So, really, who cares about what they say on tumblr anymore? They just complain on pretty much everything.

Great great great episode, Bob Newhart and Jim Parsons are brilliant together and for once I really liked every minute of Penny and Leonard screentime.
Some big changes for Sheldon deep inside.

Amazingly funny episode! The best Parsons of this season!


Nice to hear some little improvements in Marshall's italian XD the other time was awful. Anyway, the only one on himym with a good italian prononciation is Ted/Josh.

We have doctors in Italy…

Just… that kiss!!

I tried to like it because I love Michael J. Fox, but after some episodes I had to admit I didn't… it's not a surprise.

On an emotional side… this was a beautiful episode, one of the best of this season.
On a "green screen" side… oh god…
I really loved to see one last time Victoria and Stella, not so much Jeanette, but she was useful for once.

Nah, I think Moffat is doing a great job on the show, I really love his work on Who, it's probably just this part about regeneration/incarnation/Doctor that should have been explained a little better, but it works XD

No he's not, Matt is the 11th Doctor (12th regeneration, 13th incarnation - last one of the first regeneration cycle).
Capaldi is the 12th Doctor (13th regeneration, 14th incarnation - first one of the second regeneration cycle).

It's so easy to say bad things towards Moffat's amazing writing in DW and Sherlock lately, that even a very good episode, which wasn't written by him, but by Gatiss, is so full of complaints about him.

I really loved this episode, is a perfect ending for three (four for Matt) awesome and incredible years of Who. Yes, it was pretty quick, sometimes it's confusing, but a second watch fixes that. Every second watch fixes that when we are talking about Moffat's genial writing, he's a master in putting an immense number

Moffat is my favourite writer and showrunner, I really love his style and all the Eleventh era is just brilliant, helped also by the amazing Matt Smith. The 50th episode is just another proof of Moffat genius at work. Love it. And I really wish he would stay for all the Capaldi "life" too.
Rtd did some good episodes

I really couldn't stop laughing! Fantastic episode!

It's not a laugh track, it's a real audience.