I was diagnosed with mets dec 31st last week, after eight years cancer free. I know I should feel sorry for her, but I’m just scared for myself
I was diagnosed with mets dec 31st last week, after eight years cancer free. I know I should feel sorry for her, but I’m just scared for myself
See everyone, Mr. Pence isn't homophobic. He's going to eat lunch with gay people because he has too. Also while he is dining with them, he will not ride an elevator or ride in a car with them. Being in confined quarters is how you catch the gay.
Omg @ Trashcan Lannister. I die.
Remember when Plaxico put his gun into sweatpants? Yeah, that was a smooth move.
I was just thinking the same thing. I’m so glad that a conventionally attractive blonde white woman has finally been able to carve herself a niche in the athleisure industry.
“more blond, skinny, white women” even!
“This is saying, somebody like me has a place in this industry,”
is that how you say “nazi looking moppet” in German?
Yeah I’ve been periodically checking his posts and flagging them all as hate speech. He is clearly an edge lord asshole but there is suppose to be some moderation on Kinja.
Well folks, I had a baby this week. 10 days before her due date, actually. Labor was extremely fast (less than 1.5 hours from start to finish) and we BARELY made it to the hospital (I seriously almost had her in the car), partly because we had to wait 20 min for my mother in law to show up from SIX BLOCKS away to…
These people are the trumps of the entertainment world, shameless grifters who’ll do anything for a buck.
Not really, she looks stuck up and smug when she smiles.
She has an unpleasant, sullen appearance.
At a !is a right. Now
I got “banned” on Kotaku for standing up for consumer rights. *shrug* What can ya do.
Hi Jezzies,
Based on the article He was literally calling her own home where lived with her family. It seemed like they may have known what was going on or assumed their young daughter who was a model at the time was just friends with Allen. Me personally, it seems like the former. Not sure how things operated back then but…