
I think the reason why Jez posted this travesty is because the author isn’t white. Kind of like a few weeks ago when Jia broke her secret identity when she wrote that splendid article by saying something to the effect of “what if the author isn’t white”.

As someone who was born there, yeah, this really struck me as an oddly condescending story. I mean, yeah, the dude she was dating sounds like a real dick and I get that she was 21 and had probably not researched a lot of stuff about the country before going to the most rural part of India (I would love to know why she

Of course, he ALREADY has a story ready for his wife about “this crazy ex who won’t let go”.

I go to reddit/relationships on occasion because I’m a terrible person, and there are a surprising number of stories like this. As in, “I’ve had 20 people tell me he’s having an affair, I saw pictures of him proposing to another woman, and I physically walked in on him having sex - is he cheating on me?”

I’d contact his wife... She kind of deserves to know that he’s been cheating on her, at least emotionally, with this other woman. Just what the FUCK.

The media sets it up, I feel now. Ever since Jayson Blair, you started seeing more diversity on news channel (from like one token to maybe two) but they’re constantly put in these positions where they’re expected to lower their aims and ambition. Shep Smith or Tucker Carlson can be as ignorant and dumb as fuck but

Don Lemon and Ron Burgundy...

American Communists during the early years of the 20th century were pro-equality. The idea of making women and non-whites equal to white males was one of the main motivation behind the anti-commie red scare.

A little backstory here:

The original communist theorists argued that race was a social construction used to exploit the periphery, and that human progress could only be possible if distinctions based on race (or gender, or ethnic background) were erased. All governments that adopted it were of course racist (and sexist and elitist) as fuck,

“There must be some cause for his delusions”

I said it when this first happened. Right wing media are complicit. All their fear mongering and “you have to fight for this country! The takers are everywhere!” Using dog whistle racism to get these people all riled up, and look what happened. This isn’t the first time, hopefully it will be the last, but only if the

Good thing the internet is on the job, law enforcement would have never thought of looking for him online.

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

Yep, it’s amazing how quickly teenage boys can become blubbering diaper-clad babies in the eyes of the public. To compare a 15-year-old boy preying on a 5-year-old girl to innocent little kids playing doctor is beyond bizarre and, as I have said before, a bit insulting to the average teenage boy.