
At this point, I should be used to seeing backlash against Emma Sulkowicz, but I still wasn’t fully prepared for

Thank you! Chrome’s getting crashier and crashier even though I seldom have more than two tabs open and I’ve got 8gb of RAM. If following this article doesn’t help, I’m seriously considering using Opera instead.

Mika's point is racist AND astoundingly stupid. If they were chanting "there will never be any melanin endowed people in SAE" it will still be fucking racist. The media is obsessed with words but it is the venomous intention that is racist. Oh yeah and thanks for blaming us for your kids appropriation of our culture,

i came up with

That one was tied for me with "Get North or Die Trying," but I also spend waaaaay to much time reading slave narratives. (I'ma history professor.)

Black Twitter: On point as always.

Oh, now racism is caused by black people in the entertainment industry?

Being black causes racism.

Waaaahhh, any time a show includes people who aren't exactly like me, it needs to serve a political purpose or it's unnecessary and gratuitous. Why can't TV have nothing but straight white Christian men in it like the real world does? Waaaaahhhh.

"There is no point and they add nothing to the plot."

""Sensitive" men are usually just hypersensitive to their own feelings and desires."

This really resonated with me. I know a guy back home who constantly whines that people can't deal with his feelings and they're all cold and distant. But he never, ever ever ever, seems to take other people's feelings into account.


Y'all, I found a review of Tao Lin's aptly-titled book Eeeee Eee Eeee. I would like to share some excerpts from the review with you.

So I guess this means he might soon be throwing the Tao Lin?

Oh, I'm bad, but I shut down at that exact same point, too! As soon as I read those 2 words. Thought Catalog poster-boy? Good-byyyyye.

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooly shit.

These guys are disturbing. To call them "Lit bros" is an insult to bros. You can at least easily identify a bro, they don't try to hide. But these are true "wolf in sheep clothing" characters.

Tao Lin, alt-lit mainstay, author of seven novels and contributor to Thought Catalog