This happened to me once. Someone put my photo on a website for singles with STDs. The guy tracked down my Facebook to hit on me and was pretty reasonable once I explained it wasn't me.
Maybe my cynicism comes from binge watching Catfish when I have access to someone's OnDemand but seriously rapper/music producer/international model = HUGE RED FLAG. These are not dime a dozen type jobs EXCEPT FOR CATFISH. Especially when this same person is asking you to pay their cell phone bill/wire them $10,000…
At their wedding over the weekend, groom Sean Ranjaee — and all of his groomsmen — surprised his brand new bride…
I wonder about the real people behind the pictures. What if someone is out there right now using a picture of you to lure someone in? And what are the chances you will ever find out?
If I've learned anything from watching Catfish it's that people are really gullible. Also that the people doing the Catfishing are most likely to claim rapper or music producer as a job title.
Thanks for sharing, this is a great reminder that this shit happens WAYYY more than people would think. I remember being like 12 when I first started using the internet and having long-term conversations with guys who were probably grooming me and I have no idea who the fuck they really were. Thank God my parents…
Okay, I need to share this anecdote because I'm so pissed off right now.
I love his look and his SUPER salty attitude. Graying with some sass? Yes please.
My friend is a legislative aide for a state senator. She had a woman come in to help her get a new ID because she had wired over 25K plus multiple ipads to two separate single father contractors in Nigeria stuck there with their sons. She, despite knowing that she needed to do some identity theft prevention stuff,…
The best was the one where the girl who was catfishing her cousin for three years because he called her a "fat-ass Kelly Price" was the one to contact them.
"Nev of the original Catfish film and his buddy Max travel around the country performing advanced google searches for people who don't want to face reality."
Lmao at this comment thread. Seriously. Half the comments are people justifying appropriation. Listen, it's okay. Just admit you're appropriating, no one hates you. Anyway, I'm from the Caribbean and apparently the latest thing people Columbused was coconut water. I remember seeing this site for someone's coconut…
[me indian too]
I feel like people are Columbusing braids recently. On blogs I'll see things like "CORNROWS ARE THE HOTTEST TREND A JENNER DID IT!!!!!" And I'm like, "Well that was definitely my hairstyle for swim class from kindergarten through 5th grade."
Scones. I Columbus the SHIT out of scones. I also Columbused Earl Grey before being into tea was cool. I'm basically the discoverer of white-people style breakfast.
Have you ever told your friend about this super-cool new band you've been listening to? And she's all like "yeah sure supercool right I am totally listening to these words leaving your mouthhole" and then later she's all "Oh hey I found this totes-awesome new band! You've probably never heard of them but they are so…
No, sorry, your inane reply is what's pedantic, and it's not even apropos pedantry at that! Anytime you start listing definitions for no reason other than to "disprove" points, you're an asshole. Fact.
Except the assumption in Columbusing is that there's no way anyone else could have known about it before white people showed up and pointed it out.