
Reminder: Gawker media posted at least two versions of this story (on Gawker and Jezebel) getting a combined 170,000+ views. Seems pretty absurd to write this post and complain about the story being "completely awful" and that humanity should "get (its) shit together" when Gawker media is entirely part of the bullshit

Seriously. Where has the pride in the work gone?

I grew up in Mississippi and went to college in Jackson, and when I first read this story, I was horrified, but skeptical. I've been in numerous fast food restaurants in the area and seen my share of weird things at them, but I've never seen anyone kicked out of the restaurant for their looks disturbing other

No one thinks critically anymore. Anything on the internet must be true and should be shared.

If you can't train a dog not to attack people, why the hell should you be trusted with a kid?

"if a woman was writing this shit, she'd easily be called a delusional psycho."

It's not just revolting. It's a huge red flag. Maybe she should look into an anti-harassment order.

The tracklist for Thicke's next album:

This is super creepy.

This video is creepy as fuck and can't believe he would do something like this. The entire album, the track names everything...? If this is a sincere effort to "get her back" it's basically a how-to on abuser dynamics. Rather than reconcile in private, he's now enlisted the public to get on his side to pressure her

He's doing it in a very public arena and getting paid for it though. That's not very respectful to her. Maybe he doesn't want to be publicly won back. Everyone is talking about his album now and his quest to "get the girl". That seems exploitive.

"You're My Fantasy," "Lock the Door," "Whatever I Want," "Forever Love" - if a woman was writing this shit, she'd easily be called a delusional psycho.

I wonder how many anti-feminist crybabies don't understand the rather significant difference between rape and rape fantasy. There's no wonder why it's such a losing battle with you sad fuckers; you're all genuinely daft. Not only are you not entitled to women's bodies, you don't get to control their thoughts,

1) Consensual bondage/dominance/resistance sexual play has absolutely nothing to do with rape. The definition of rape is nonconsent. Words. They're so hard.

If the car in front of you slows down, you see the break lights and can adjust speed accordingly. If the car is stopped, you don't have enough time to react, especially if you're coming around the corner. You and others are blowing my mind with the leniency you're showing to a complete moron who killed two people. OF

"Prosecutor Annie-Claude Chasse had a message for motorists.

", these people would also probably not be dead if they had riding inside of a vehicle, and not on a motorcycle"