
Have I mentioned how much I love you? Well I do XD

(This is probably buried by now but whatever) I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR THIS!! SO PROUD!

Yeah though I liked mockingjay, I feel the movie will make for a better story than the book did.

I will forever love the parallels drawn between capitol and district thirteen, including the uh interesting fashion choices and in thirteen's case, lack there of.

This feels like a stranger looking into my messed up head and saying 'I get you'. Thank you for this.

Toss up between; my year 1 flatmate who im sure is a demon incarnate. He and his friends terrorised me. Stayed up late until 5am playing games, watching football on blast, jumping on the beds, and BANGING on my walls. My bed was right next to them and bolted so i couldnt move. I had to drug myself with sleeping pills

BRB off to rob a bank... Or the real life equivalent of a Lannister.

Something is very wrong in this area, photoshop wrong. #lyfe #fail #ma tan #sodifferent

You touched on something thats always bothered me. It seems "people" need more, violence, loudly saying no, fighting back etc, in order to believe someone was raped and not just changing their minds.

In my country, pretty much everything is prioritised apart from the rape of women. Surprisingly they have a good track record of convicting child abusers. Probably cause there is no way to spin "she/he was asking for it" on a 6 year old child.

I want to give that police department ALL the cookies for doing their fucking job. Thats messed up.


This is a wondrful piece! Gawd, I used to be such an asshole about bisexuality, but it took a teaching moment from a close friend to recognise my previlage/stupidity. Haven't seen the episode yet but if its anything like the book...

Yes lol.

My mom said I used to dribble in my dad's "important" documents when I was little. This is giving a major guilt flashback.


Expose HA! Lol thanks


The rampant homophobia in these types of forums is telling. A few are kind of self aware though. I have to shower now.

Its cause they failed at having "game". They wasted possibly thousands of dollars on material that didnt help in picking up women. I dont know which one is more pathetic.