
Lol, I know.

You can't make this shit up. I just spent an hour checking out the insane world that is MRA's and the anti pua forums. A man who committed a massacre in monteral /cause feminism in the 80's is a hero??? You know you've gone off the charts when even /b/ is calling you out.

I went to an International boarding school based on the IGCSE curriculmn but we had proms anyway. I'd just recovered from a severe bout of ache so my self confidence was shot, but I'd made my dad suffer through my dress shopping so I figured I go. Face full of make up and rocking a short dress and curly weave, I

She's a New Black right.

Oh boy! Can't wait until Bill chimes in on how Bey standing in the elevator harms black girls everywhere.

I think you definately have a point. She can't fucking win.

Yes, I am freaking fansinated by this. So gawker, jezebel, you can always count on my click. Still waiyting for that domestic violence think piece tho, dont keep disapointing me with your dismisive reporting.

Yeah, I can see how tedious these types of shows tend to get. But i grew up on mysteries, law dramas and cop drams. I cant get enough. And I just know this will be messy fun.

Lol my Russian flatmate is greatly amused. This Eurovision's year is a lot better than I expected.

The last one is a perfect example of why my mom will never have access to my social network stuff. Not my yaoi dedicated tumblr not my fb or twitter. I wont even friend her on Linkedin.

Settling in!

Yeah i get that lol. Religious hypocrites are amazing. Its bad enough that my bullying happened at a calothic school. /sigh nah most oc my hypocrital fb friends are living double lives and loving it, so as long as church comes on sunday its all good.

Preach!! I was told by my teacher to stop being such a dormat and stand up for myself. Over a week i psyched myself up, i could, would do it! I stuttered and failed, my self esteem sinking even more. Then my bully tried it with my little sister and i finally told my parents. And they protected me, she stopped.

So much this! My bully is digustingly happy, she has nice husband and a baby and a job. Bonus she found Jesus so her awfulness is totes forgiven. I'm mean I'm OK, could be a lot better, she just contributed a significant amount of emotional trauma to my childhood.

Oh Barbs!

and bullshit.

Hmmmm lotus feet.

However. Back-handedly blaming suicidal mothers for their own illnesses because they didn't eat enough rainbow chard—in flippant terms like "though it's less common among kind mamas, some women experience the blues after giving birth"—is shockingly tone-deaf and not very "kind" at all.

Oh yeah. If my adventures in sexting has taught me anything...