
Ah, in the spirit of being helpful, that last sentence you “corrected” is now using passive voice, which would be incorrect. Also, the phrase “... are accelerated to nearly the speed of light and smash together” uses mismatched tense.  Not feeling the clarity, Joe.

Oh they can be the *most* useful discoveries - a new and previously unknown way for Murphy’s Law to fsck you up. Everyone wants to learn it so they can detect it screwing up their *own* projects.

You’re harshing everyone’s mellow here.

It may have happened before the actual announcement of Feige’s promotion, but pretty much from the moment they decided to use Disney+ as the home of Marvel TV, the writing was on the wall, and you can bet Feige was definitely consulted with on these decisions and if Feige had any use for those programs, they wouldn’t

I take no pleasure in anyone’s murder but he seemed evil and mean. I’m glad the evil meanness that he was so determined to share with others (in spite of how he claimed to be superior) is gone. Is the distinction so difficult for you? I also hate anyone who has committed dozens of felonies but even more hateful is

I’m pretty liberal, and I sure as hell didn’t want him dead. I want him to live long enough to see everything he worked for come crumbling down around him. I wanted him to make a new friend, and only find out 3 months later that he’s in an interracial marriage. To actually have to look his own racism in the eye while

I look at it this way. We’re all in the same business ultimately. Just trying to scrape by another day - make life a little better for us without making it worse for others. General decency and kindness. Take a deep breath, look the math over to make sure everything looks good... Measure twice, cut once, and build a

I’m sorry. We’ll have to flag your comment for breaking the prime directive.

indeed so, brother.......indeed so....:->

The biggest axe against it being an alien megastructure project is the fact its an F-type star. F-types only live a couple billion years, depending on mass.

Star Wars Episode VIII, final scene: After a whole movie of trying to find out his origin, Finn has managed to reach the bowels of a long-forgotten First Order training ground. In the dead silence of the dusty base, he finally finds what he’s been looking for all this time: the only remnants of his long-gone parents,

Did we just become best friends?

I can see it now. The rebels Ezra and kanan will be cornered on a star drstroyer. Then suddenly a flash of purple and they will see a hard figure emerge and he will say. “I’m tired of all these nerf herding sith on my nerf herding plane!”

Skyrim is totally different animal on the PC compared to the consoles, especially with the mods. I am running about 75 graphic, sound and gameplay mods, even though it is so easy to break the game if the ordering is not right or clashes in the mod. In the's...worth it. The DOF is only intense for taking

yep. Terrified, undertrained, over-armed, with his finger just outside the trigger guard.

This pretty much sums up the problem with (some) cops. This guy is pants-shittingly terrified of just the presence of unarmed citizens. He's waiving his gun around like he was in the middle of the jungle and the rest of his platoon had just been killed by the VC and he was just waiting to be taken or to have his

If he had any sense, he would point his gun at the real threat: diabetes.