Shyam Oza

Hot take: as a business owner, if you arent complaining about the skyrocketing rent, but are closing because you will have to pay your employees a fair wage finally, you arent a great business owner to begin with. If 40K more a year is causing you to close, how successful was your business to begin with. Thats a


Appearance of impropriety is irrelevant if there’s no proven impropriety, especially with something as trivial as an advertisement award for a videogame. It’s not like we’re talking about our elected officials or something.

Cruz reportedly experienced hallucinations and was taken by authorities to a local hospital. After arriving at the facility, Cruz stole a car and fled, driving the vehicle into a nearby lake. His body was found by divers the following morning. The country coroner has since ruled Cruz’s death a suicide, but his family

I kind of empathize with him. His entire persona screams “raised on the Internet” and that has taken him to the point where he’s the one raising other people on the Internet. He probably has no legitimate hate for the groups of people he has offended and likely has no idea why his stupid jokes are the part of his

Thank goodness toilets in Japan are so efficient.

Weird how it almost completely changes the tone of the trailer!

I’m actually really surprised with how much better this makes the movie seem even with the CG not being especially polished.  Just goes to show design matters more than technical perfection.

Do fall damage exist in Overwatch?

Do fall damage exist in Overwatch?

Some crop species tolerate saltwater, so why not use it to irrigate them?

The number of Dems who haven’t signed the CRA make up only 8 percent of House Democrats. Conversely, if you could convince just 8 percent of House Republicans to sign it, that would be a miracle.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. The dialogue is bad, the world is boring, and combat sucked. The ONLY joy we wrung out of it was in having Noctis pick the most hilarious pic of Gladio staring off into space for our final pic.


Roe v Charmin

A fetus has a detectable heartbeat about 6 weeks into pregnancy. A roll of toilet paper: pretty much the moment it comes off the assembly line. If you wipe your butt with toilet paper... well... you’re basically a murderer!

Everything about this article, with the exception of those shitty stickers, is