Shyam Oza

No no.. Unlike his female counterpart, Daisy isn’t a prince.

You don’t have to optimize crowds on PS4 if they’re already bad to begin with.

Ah TwitchBernieBro,

So the thing about mocking flat earthers. I was watching a couple of clips from the web show “All Gas and No Brakes”, where the host goes into all sorts of esoteric groups and interviews the members.

I have to say that Ricman’s Snape, especially int he first movie, has a heavy foppish nature to him. He’s like Cruise’s Lestat in that he’s intensely cruel but very charismatic, and definitely showing some femininity in gestures and the way they work the garments. The movies also sort of imply that Snape is bullied

If possible, have your Xbox One connected to the Internet when you factory reset. It will do a few things for you like remove your Home console setting, etc.

He’s right that this is Good vs. Evil.

Even though I wouldn’t normally spend $22 on a game like this, I’m buying it precisely for what you said at the end: I feel seen. As a brown/desi guy, I never see my culture in video games apart from, like, monsters in Shin Megami Tensei/Persona. And I guess that one Assassin’s Creed side scroller? But this is the

Call of Duty 17: Black Ops IIIII: Cold War

Toyota should absolutely get a cut if they gave you the car for free...

You mean the same company that tried to lie and cheat taxes around the world in selling their products in their prospective countries while claiming that all things sold was rather through Ireland to get a tax break, that same company who didn’t pay their “platform countries”, I mean, those countries deserve those

Man, awesome moving of the goalposts there. And yeah, it’s no surprise if Apple kicked Epic off, they’re notoriously protective of their walled garden.

That is a stupid analogy as Fortnite is free

I mean, if you buy a video game at target does Target deserve a cut of all the microtransactions on said video game?

This is something I wonder about, actually. Even before the pandemic, I saw a few articles around reporting that a lot of young adults described themselves as being lonely, socially isolated, with few or no friends. Seeing this makes me wonder, is it only men that are sad and lonely, or are there plenty of lonely

Maybe — and just spitballing here — not repeating the “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners out of business” sound-byte (no matter how true, false, or twisted the sound-byte actually is) may be the better plan -- and focusing on the “what’s said” portions of the plan is what the campaign wants to focus on, vs. the

Yeah weird, it is almost like the Remake isn't a 1:1 copy of the original game and everyone has already known that for months now or something. 

I’m sorry, maybe I’m not reading the statement correctly and I don’t get that this is sarcasm, but this is just not true. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.

Chelsea, Assanage doesn’t give a fuck about you. He only cares for his own skin. Why you continue to stick your neck out for that asshole is beyond belief.

Man, this only re-emphasizes how crazy dumb the plot progression is that leads to Shadowlands.