Shyam Oza

I remember walking through Tokyo and seeing a guy with a white t-shirt in all black bold English: “Fuck Wat Yo Mama Said.”

How dare she forget one of America’s greatest heroes.....

I’m so confused. On one hand we don’t want all games to be the same, particularly when it comes to properly numbered sequels and yet...we then say we want more of the same.

I don’t know if the problem is with Apu himself or with the lack of diversity and representation of Indian/Asian American males in general.

I know art is subjective but...damn I feel like there could’ve been a better choice for the first piece of work.

Man I remember when people complained like this about Shotguns and Snipers in Destiny. Its OK, then we got the much improved Destiny 2! :D

The people who do this had to be the same kids who would lower the basketball hoop and then “Dunk”.

Its not about the OPs desire to bring physical violence upon someone. Its about the fact that you had to face your rival face to face. You weren’t anonymous, you weren’t 1000 miles away and you likely had the same friends.

Another simple trick: Delete the App from your phone.

Seeing the number 2 pop up so many times just further convinced me that we have too many sequels and not enough new IP

WTF is wrong with short people getting buttmad at this comment. Just imagine if tall was replaced with “White”. If this was an article to make people of color look “Whiter” so that they could be more liked, get paid more, etc. it would be just as absurd.

You should create another account and just start over at this point.

I was going to just star your post, like I do many of your comments but then I saw this chain between you and this e-twat. I am now upgrading my response to a Star + Electronic High Five.

I mean the directors in Hunger Games weren’t exactly viewed as saints. You are the X factor in someone’s success or defeat. I have a feeling you’re doing your job right if people are getting upset :P

Sit in traffic for a few years back to back, get a couple parking tickets, pulled over by a state trooper, etc. and eventually you’ll be replaying Twisted Metal Black

Its not different than fame anywhere else. Hollywood, Twitter, YouTube, Music, etc. there’s always someone who’s going to make you wish they were never your hero or reinforce why they are.

I recommend taking a look at products like the PAX Line, Blue, etc.

I’m gonna go with targeting a market that is now saturated with small sleek tech devices vs. marketing to kids.

I wonder if the 7th Column and all that stuff really exists anymore since Bungie has transformed so much since REACH and their departure from MSFT.

It makes sense though. One team has been raised to be professional soldiers from childhood and the other are recruits from various UNSC and other defense forces. The “New Spartans” are probably somewhere in between ODST and “Classic Spartan”