Shyam Oza

“Netflix you’re greenlit”

So the whole thing with Tide Pods, is that just gonna end up an urban legend like Vodka soaked tampons? I feel like there’s just a meme that goes around, old people fall for it on Facebook and then just think its really happening. I don’t see an epidemic of people actually being sick on the news.

My drink came out of my nose when Mei popped up. GDI.

Excellent point. People seriously have a disconnect between “Battles”(What we glorify) and “Total War”(Rape, Pillaging, Disease, etc.)

I don’t think you understand war at all. Even if we went non-nuclear you would be fighting against Drones, Fighter Jets, Tanks, etc. The KKK and Antifa would get owned by a local sheriffs department or a SWAT team.

Then you should have a handgun or shotgun sir if you so desire.

I agree, that’s part of the point I’m trying to make.

I agree with this. I’m simply responding to the faulty logic that the guns will save us from oppression and drone strikes.

I don’t know about you but no one is going to want a lengthy guerrilla ground war against the US. There will be nukes. Nuke > AR.

The Appeals Court Expansion Pack will be sweet :D

This usually helps in most cases, Persona 5 is a great recent example, it was pretty obvious who was and wasn’t Japanese just on their names, how they acted, etc. and they just say it explicitly often enough.

I just shoot arrows at things and they die. This looks way too complicated.

but now they have those crazy “All RED” bags and stuff :D I know, certified om nommer.

BRB starting work on my DEA mod.

Its just too tempting to try to exploit people isn’t it? In every industry there’s the same group of guys.

In my opinion that makes it more important. There are high profile creeps and those in industries and places we wouldn’t expect. Stories on this person are essential to make it clear that it can (it shouldn’t but it can) happen anywhere and people should always be vigilant and always supporting the victim whether its

Its your own fault, says guy who got funding from Grandma.

I’m almost positive, at least up to Code Veronica, that you had to actually DIE before the T-Virus reanimated your corpse. The injuries that you sustain are not life threatening and you don’t seem to transform after being bit like in 28Days, Zombieland, Walking Dead, etc. etc. I’m also pretty sure that there are

I definitely think “Traditional Ladies” “Intelligent Girls” “Fun Girls” etc. are all products of the ingrained sexism in society for sure. These girls are viewed as the exception and most other women wouldn’t be interested. When they really should’ve realized that many women might be but they are just being suppressed

I’m glad I’m not alone. On Reddit and elsewhere people were laughing, calling it cute, being jealous, etc. and I was just heartbroken thinking the poor guy just wanted it all off and never on him again ; ;