Shut Your Von Trapp

Pictured: Barack HUSSEIN Obama uses his Muslim powers to give entire islands The Gay to keep them from telling the truth about #BENGHAZI.

There at real criminals in the world, and they really want to hunt this woman down for making the same mistake 10 times?

Female air marshals.

“Failing that, maybe verbally abusive people throwing adult tantrums in the aisles should be removed from the plane?”

Frankly, I think it’s just stunningly childish and irresponsible that these people would get on airplanes without up to date Cooties vaccinations in the first place.

I have a friend who lives in Amsterdam and she said that the encroachment on the Red Light District is in part due to the fact that it’s one of the oldest, prettiest parts of the city and people want to gentrify it. So in that sense it’s your typical municipal business as usual and less a focused war on sex work.

Wouldn’t the ball thing be a problem whether you were feeding or not?

That’s how they trick us into taking care of them. Babies also giggle for the first time at the exact moment their parents start contemplating leaving them in the woods.

Baz Lurhmann is the king of empty aestheticism. I don’t trust him one bit.

No. Real feminists are against sex work.

Honestly, if I were advertising sex in windows, it’d probably look less like this (I’d wish/think it’d look like that):

Amsterdam will be the next Times Square. Giant M&M stores replacing sex shops. Pity.

in b4 sex work wrong blah blah blah feminism blah blah reasons

I’m sorry, do you mean D.A. Alex Cabot left her husband for Sgt. Olivia Benson???

MAN-dy, duhhhhhhhh

I...have some news about Liberace.


was Barry Manilow being gay a thing that everybody knew about and I was just in the dark?