Shut Your Von Trapp

So basically, you choose to avoid discussions that involve nuance and complexity so you can hold yourself up as somehow above this discussion? Got it.

Or here's another way of looking at it—-being open and honest about your life and the shit you go through is a way of connecting with others out there who are going through similar experiences and helping others in similar situations know they are not alone in their struggle.

Man, what a disaster. I have no experience with this - my dad is an ex-hippy, ex-drug addict and my mom is a delusional-paranoid alcoholic, so the reactions I have always gotten are "I did that, too." Everything I am is so vanilla in comparison. I'm a disappointment!

From what he says. it sounds like they found out and confronted him with it, rather than him telling them. I suppose he could have lied, but if they asked for the information that was going to make them uncomfortable, why should he be obligated to lie for their sake?

I would just cut them out of my life until they respected my decision. Not that *I* want an open marriage, but I'm totally cool with people who do, because, it's their life.

I’m a naturalized American citizen who has lived in several countries. I have seen stand up comedy in many different countries and understand that some of what is considered funny in my country of origin would have people clamoring for the comedian’s head in this one. I get that Noah’s problematic tweets are sexist

Definitely. I mean, there’s absolutely no way that the anger towards the author could have anything to do with the fact that, on a woman’s interest site, she basically called us all idiots for being mad at him for the deeply misogynistic shit he said.

So. Much. Hypocrisy.

Once more to say that this article and the selective bias displayed by this site is depressing and embarrassing.

Pretty much, yep. Jezebel is full of shit these days. I used to love this site and I find myself just being more and more disgusted with it on a regular basis.

At least a couple people here have to have enough independent thought to see through this whitewashing crap. If this douche wasn’t ordained by Stewart as the next DS host, he would be getting absolutely lambasted on this site in particular.

Perhaps a useful thing would be for the staff of Jezebel to outline what they think makes this case different from all the other cases of offensive comments that they routinely highlight for public shaming purposes. Like, how is this different from Giuliana Rancic? Ranic even apologised on air and Karyn Polewaczyk’s

Why, exactly, is this idiotic? He made some bad jokes and people called him out for it, at which point he issued an incredibly insincere fauxpology.

Or even Bill Maher yesterday. Joke man is evil!


White guy makes Jewish/fat chick jokes...all hell breaks loose on this site
MOC makes same jokes...fucking crickets on the same site.

I’ll give Trevor a chance, but very surprised Jez is a-ok and hunky dory with these kinds of ‘jokes’ but meanwhile, oh my god Patricia Arquette and Guilianna Rancic are pure evil.

Sorry, I love Trevor Noah and I do think that the backlash was overblown, but this is ridiculously hypocritical. People aren’t idiotic for finding those jokes offensive, and to see that from this site, which loves discussing offensive things, is disappointing.

Well this article wasn’t biased or blinkered AT ALL. Judgment clouded because of his good looks?

Why was it a “ridiculous amount of so-called backlash?” He tweeted some incredibly stupid and offensive things and got what I feel was an appropriate amount of “so-called backlash.” Not from this site, however, but from the Internet as a whole.