Shut Your Von Trapp

Sadly, and it pains me to say, I agree. I think it hurts feminism to say that there can’t be discourse around feminism. I consider myself a feminist, but I do hope events like this inspire a conversation about how they can be avoided in the future. Yes, it’s just one instance of false accusation in perspective with

Your first paragraph really resonated with me because it’s something I thought about deeply as well. This is exactly how we are told to respond to victims, and it honestly just exploded in about the worst way it possibly could.

serious question. why go to tavern on the green for a romantic celebrity date?!

It’s fascinating that she didn’t stop her story at her friends and peers at UVA, but even continued in her web of deception when she interviewed for an article for a national magazine. There were opportunities for her to pump-then-slam on the brakes, but she continued on, pedal to the metal with her story, all the way


All my star. Just commented before I read your post. When the questioning first broke, I commented about the story being single sourced, journo ethos, poor editor oversight, and the effects that could have on rape stories. Yep. Blasted and dismissed. Not an apologist but a former journalist appalled at such a shit job

I think he’s being sarcastic, but I’m not sure.

Jackie absolutely bears blame, and anyone disagreeing about that is outting themselves as an idiot, but RS pointing the finger at her is so hilarious, depressing, and stupid at the same time.

Yeah, that’s why I said, she bears part of the blame. Not all of it. And I absolutely agree that whatever part of the blame is hers, doesn’t change the fact that RS and Erdely didn’t do their fucking jobs. But what I won’t do is continue to hold up Jackie as some kind of innocent victim in all of this, unless it is

The problem is most of these assholes don’t have enough limbs for all the times they’re going to need to apologize.

Well, that's to be expected. The thing that sucks about this is that a lot of the time, RS publishes some truly excellent pieces of journalism. Short of a complete editorial overahaul, anything that they put out there now will be considered suspect.

Can we be “hate deep dish pizza” twins? Because that shit really is dreadful. So much uncooked dough and horrible sauce. Yeargh.

My brain agrees with you, but my Midwestern heart cries, “NEVER!” as I hold aloft a deep dish slice in my meaty fist.

““I’m sorry I said “deep dish,” I meant original crust.””

Jackie’s a pure fabricator and a malignant liar. Nothing happened to her. These are the facts of the case, based on follow-up by the Washington Post: She liked a boy who didn’t like her back. So she made up a boyfriend—using the photo of an old classmate and the name of another—and bought a burner phone, and texted

My money’s on Dancing With the Stars.

Plenty of people questioned the account prior to the details of its being false came out because that is what thinking people do: they question. Her story, on its face, demanded questions due to the severe nature of the claims and the context presented by Jackie herself (e.g., she liked a boy who didn’t like her

I mean, I don’t really agree? If she deliberately falsified it then yes, it’s making it up. If she misremembered or unintentionally created a false memory/unintentionally changed the details of her memory, I don’t really think that’s “making it up”.
I know someone with bipolar disorder. That’s her official diagnosis,

What you’re advancing here is a pretty plain “guilty until proven innocent” standard for cases of rape. If that’s what you believe, fine, but don’t be surprised when other people disagree. And it doesn’t make them “rape apologist assholes.” It just puts them in line with one of the key tenets of our justice system.

If she’s still employed, Rolling Stone hasn’t offered sufficient apology.