Shut Your Von Trapp

So he thinks Zahn and Dzhokhar look like each other and that Islam is an antiquated religion. I fail to see the outrage in this situation. Maher isn’t an Islamophobe, he hates all religion equally.

Ya I’m not getting the outrage here: the comparison was clearly about their appearances, which are quite similar, not their ideologies.

Zayn Malik and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are both incredibly hot dudes who look a lot alike when you compare those two photographs. Bill Maher is a douche, but I think he’s making a fair joke about how two guys who are both in the news this week look alike.

When Leaning In Goes Wrong

That and “privilege.” I don’t know when it happened, but at some point spouting buzzwords replaced any exercise of critical thought. Honestly, there are time I have to avoid this site for weeks because reading through the comments makes me despair for the collective intelligence of humanity.


Which is exhausting.

There is a pretty big gulf between ‘every’ and ‘any’, isn’t there? Let’s think about this logically for a minute, though - in-group bias is actually a thing, so limiting a conversation to only the people within a group, who would naturally lean towards sharing the same basic premises is amazingly short sighted to the

And, again, you’re still using the same illogical “I’m not a member of X, so I can’t speak intelligently about them.”

I’m sure historians around the world would be aghast at the knowledge that not being Greek means they cannot teach Greek history. Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?

But “black face” is a cultural artifact that has a long history and definitions. One isn’t required to be black to know what constitutes “black face” - you just have to know what factually constitutes black face. If a black person came on to Jezebel and defined “black face” as black people using mime make up, that

And I’m a self-loathing homo too.

Those biologicals capable of autonomous action need to address this issue in a manner as meek and timid as possible, clearly stating they’re aware of their fleshiness and autonomous privilege.

Some people just can’t wait to be offended. They can’t start their day without it.

Looks like manufactured outrage to me.

It’s not. Just more social media fake drama.

This non-white agrees.

When will people learn that “robotface” is just not socially acceptable. It’s just anti-machine bigotry. They’re trying so hard to fit in, and we’re just throwing it back into their sensor-packages.

I wish people who cry, “Racism!” when clearly there is not like what mangekyo_ is doing here, would get shamed off the internet. The fact that she can humiliate someone for doing nothing wrong and receive no consequences is awful.

I’m a POC. Calling that “blackface” is fucking absurd. But I can’t be arsed to spend Sunday arguing about it, so please, take my POC opinion card and express yourself. I’ll hold onto your white guilt while you do it.

“I’m white, so I shouldn’t even have an opinion on this” is retarded. Please stop it.