She’s not a Karen, or even a Becky. She’s what they call an Ivanka. An affluent white woman masquerading as a do-gooder but privately committing all manner of atrocities.
She’s not a Karen, or even a Becky. She’s what they call an Ivanka. An affluent white woman masquerading as a do-gooder but privately committing all manner of atrocities.
I split my time between a high density neighborhood in S.F. and a rural home in Alameda County. I’ll be spending the shelter in place period in rural Alameda County.
He can apply for unemployment immediately and the EDD is waiving the one week waiting period. There is also a federal relief program in the works and the details should be released in the next day or two. Still sucks but it’s something.
You can’t even say the word vagina and you want people to believe you’re not easily offended? Grow up!
I couldn’t agree more. The Vanderpumps use and discard people as if they’re used tissue paper.
That’s a perfectly reasonable and rational explanation. What the hell is wrong with you?
Everyone has their demons.
Same here. Once was one time to many.
The only surprising thing here is that they have 50 Massachusetts locations. Who the hell is even eating that slop?
This is reminiscent of the time Dr. Nancy Snyderman violated her Ebola virus quarantine to get soup. A girl’s gotta eat I guess.
Buckhead isn’t a suburb. It’s ITP and one of the best, if not the best, neighborhoods in Atlanta.
I’m dying. I didn’t know what the fuck that was. One night we drove around it 3 times trying to figure out what we were looking at thinking, what the hell is it?
I’m repelled by them. They look like two extremely unattractive gold fish.
Still makes you laugh thinking about it, right? I had a similar experience after a terrible break up. I ran into the friend that had introduced me to my ex about a week after the breakup. She told me he had ran over himself with his car and suffered two broken legs. I busted out laughing and said through the laughter,…
Oh no! How devastating. I guess I can stop checking my mailbox for that save the date announcement.
I’d be fine with whatever the report says, but until I see it, I can’t help but wonder what the Trump admin. is hiding. If it completely exonerates Trump, great. There would be no reason not to release it if that were the case.
Yes. I got your point. You disagree and think the news will be a home run for the Trump campaign. I’m saying, as a campaign issue, if you want to say that you’re completely exhonerated, then release the full report to the public. No reason to hide it. Don’t release it and people will wonder what you’re hiding.
I don’t have to accept anything. Until that full report is released I’m going to assume the Trump administration is lying and obfuscating as always. If that report truly exonerated Trump, it would have been in the hands of the media the moment it dropped.