Don’t need to worry about any rules, but people who barely order aren’t great for my tips. If they aren’t ordering from the bar, they ought to just go to a counter service restaurant. Why are Americans so entitled, anyways?
Don’t need to worry about any rules, but people who barely order aren’t great for my tips. If they aren’t ordering from the bar, they ought to just go to a counter service restaurant. Why are Americans so entitled, anyways?
like I said, it’s usually restaurant policy. Not the law.
It’s usually restaurant policy because kids menu items are cheaper. Whether it’s worth enforcing this policy is debatable
Maybe tahini?
Another fucking video?!! Hasn’t the internet learned its lesson?
No. No. Just no. I came here to read. Videos suck. Can’t read a video from my phone while at work. I shouldn’t have to put headphones in or find a quiet place to consume this. It’s so inconvenient. I can read quickly, at my own pace. A video is not under my control.
Call me when they get St. Nectaire. The grey kind.
Injera bread is bland?!?
Ethiopia doesn’t have bland food.
My parents got me a make-your-own soap kit when I was a kid, and I still can’t tell if it was a passive-aggressive dig at my hygiene or just another of my mother’s shitty gifts
I shouldn’t have to do mindnumbing fetch quests (or worse, collection quests) to learn about the game world
Some people don’t like dogs.
I worked at a restaurant and would order a 50 cent side of sauce from postmates and then give the driver free food meant for my friends (with a good tip so the driver wouldn’t complain)
A taco is a sandwich. Fight me, motherfuckers, I will die on this hill.
Bar soap is not hygienic.
I’ve been to a foie gras farm. The animals love it. They go up to the handlers eagerly. Besides, they’re just animals. We’re going to slaughter them anyways, I don’t get all this fussing over their living conditions when we’re going to do something far worse to them in the end
A single platform is more convenient for the consumer.
You’d be surprised how little the cook who works 70 hours a week at 12 an hour gives a shit about your food allergies
15 dollar burger, 15 dollar sandwich, two 5 dollar sodas?
half an avocado= 50 cents.