Depth is dead...
Depth is dead...
You’ve never been disappointed by E3 promises and gameplay footage? Does Spore ring any bells?
Why bother working on the app at all, then?
They could be making something good, instead.
they forgot to add sidescrolling platformer...
The anti-pigmentation apocalypse? Did it just splatter everything in shit or did the radiation turn everyone colorblind?
The way Bethesda’s been doing things, I imagine Fallout 4 will be a regression from Fallout 3.
Ugh, seriously? If I wanted gratuitous body shots, I’d go to one of the many porn sites on the internet.
Hell yeah it shouldn’t exist. It’s a waste of resources. Now let me lament the state of the industry in peace.
Yeah, like TES: Online was “competition” for WoW...
This stupid thing froze my browser. And it really doesn’t add anything to the site. Did Nick Denton put you up to this? One of you spit in his coffee for me, please.
This sounds like it could be interesting, but if it’s just a free tablet game it’s going to be watered down and without depth.
I don’t want games to play while I’m waiting for the bus.
Kills my excuse for not having a pilot’s license? How about my “I’m not a giant dork with too much time and money” excuse, you pompous twit?
An isometric game that the developers felt the “scope” of which justified a price hike? In 2015? There are some seriously deluded indie devs out there.
What with all the bleaching they do down there, I doubt that hole is in anyway black
You should be sorry
If you live in Europe, why the fuck are you buying shitty American comics?
That you would say Western comics indicates your ignorance. Between Japan and the US, there is a far richer comic tradition producing far more interesting material that can, in fact, be traced through twenty years because it wasn’t shat out of some dork’s butthole with cockamamy plots and mediocre art as an attempt to…
brb, clearing out my wishlist
Sure, it starts now. But I’m getting the “Steam Store is experiencing some heavy load right now” message.