Romostradomus the Undying

According to only people in NYC, every city that isn’t NYC is second tier.

Not going to lie, the double cheeseburger is my go-to when drunk or craving greasy, cheesy goodness.

...Buying food and cooking it yourself is cheaper than eating at McDonald’s. If you do not realize this yet, then you may want to stop eating paint chips.

I, for one, fully approve of you calling him a cunty edgelord.

So quit.

McDonald’s is always hiring, bitch.

I have a high passenger rating (4.8) Just by being punctual, friendly, and adding on a solid tip if I’m asking you to drive me in to the heart of the city any time on the weekend. I literally only get drivers that rate like 4.5 and up, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a reason to give anyone less than 5 stars. Every

Sucks to suck, breh.

Interesting, I’d love to see how many employees get to set their own hours, work wherever they want, wear whatever they want, and take as many breaks as often as they want.

Man, black people love making a scene and making shit more difficult than it needs to be.

Justice for what hate crime?...There was no crime. Also “Something told me to look at my receipt” sounds a lot like “THESE GUYS JUMPED ME AND POURED BLEACH ON ME, CALLED ME A FAG, AND SAID THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY OMG AHHHH.”

Aw boo hoo, autist.

I’m assuming his normal pitch starts with “I hate free 2-day shipping and streaming services...”

I love how many GMG commenters are autistic maniacs that go fully postal at the idea of someone making physical contact with them.

Just because people are too stupid to invest money doesn’t make that statistic an issue. You can’t prove that they were in the 10% wealthiest Americans grouping before or after they bought said stock.

Lol good one breh! Now finish your kale and banana smoothie and get back to googling cat memes.

Hahaha always funny to watch the Democrats force one of their own to take the biggest bite of the shit sandwich.

Definitely going to. This is literally a case of a bunch of whiny idiots looking at a $20 bill and saying “Well, the bill works fine..There’s nothing wrong with it..BUT FUCK IT LET’S CHANGE THIS SHIT ANYWAY BECAUSE REASONS!”

Or rather, “Why the fuck are we wasting any money or time changing something that needs no changing?”

Cool well Harriet Tubman was neither a president nor a diplomat like Ben Franklin so she can go fuck herself.