Romostradomus the Undying

Always with the whining about “Bombing brown people,” you guys aren’t even happen when you win, are ya?

I know we’re on different sides of the aisle and all, but surely we can both find it deeply amusing/extremely confusing how Splinter has gone from “Voting: Meh” in 2016 because Bernie didn’t get the nomination, to now where every article is “OMG VOTE VOTE VOTE ALL DAY VOTE TWICE IF YOU CAN.”

Oh I agree with you, why they chose Joss fucking Stone to try and get the point across that Anne of Cleves was actually not very attractive at all is beyond me. I suppose it might have been offensive to the actress if they had actually chose someone unattractive and they saw the subtext that that was the point?

That’s an easy list.

Isn’t that Midler “burn” what Splinter loves to call “whataboutism?”

A writer with far more actual professional accomplishments. It was like a How-To class on self owns.

He’s talking about you, it is time for you to stop being stupid.

Uh, if someone is willing to pay it you absolutely have the right to charge them the amount they are willing to pay. That’s how you run a business.

Sure you were, kiddo.

If I had to guess? By rolling over and sliding down his huge ass pile of money, in to a pool filled with even more money.

And somehow it still bothers you enough to make you feel the need to chime in.

...That’s a burn? But..How?

Don’t bullshit me and act like they totally weren’t sending hand drawn portraits of themselves to each other in the 1500's via courier or pigeon or some shit, man.

Well, he did base his suggestion and descriptions of her based on a portrait...Which seems uncharacteristically stupid of him.

Wasn’t Cromwell universally reviled when he was executed due to his constant scheming, double dealing, and authoritarianism (extreme even for that period!)? Not to mention his unending lust for power..

Only according to you, it’s your opinion that it’s flawed because it disagrees with your particular moral outlook, that doesn’t make it incorrect. It just makes you incapable of seeing that it’s perfectly reasonable for people to not think people deserve something for nothing. There’s no point in helping people if

Well I mean, duh, but outlets like Splinter and HuffPo think Twitter is the end all, be all of discourse. The simple fact is tons of people aren’t on Twitter or bitching and moaning or marching at every daytime rally because they’re at work, or simply have better things to do with their time.

People die around the world every day, many in incredibly horrific circumstances. What have you done lately?

Morality is by definition not rational. When people say they do things for “moral reasons” they mean that there is no net benefit or cost to doing or not doing that thing, there is no tangible outcome, they simply do it to for the seratonin.

But he didn’t, and the fact that her story wasn’t corroborated by any of her friends, changed regularly, and didn’t even paint a clear picture of sexual assault or misconduct, is why most people understood it to be a load of trash. Between Blasey-Ford and the Russia investigation, most independents/undecided voters