Soon to be a movie starring Keanu Reeves as everyone.
trick question... all doggos are good.
Chris Paul would have injured his hamstring while dropping the pizza and attempting to draw a foul.
I don’t know if the dog is good or bad, but I’m certain he likes it ruff
Is this dog good or bad?
They’re all good dogs, Samer.
I love Godzilla 2000! It feels like Toho watched the first American attempt at a Godzilla movie and decided they were going to show everyone what a Godzilla movie was supposed to be. And it has the perfect ending. He looks so happy!
I want to frame this comment.
Okay? But, can’t we just call them monsters? I’m kaijuish, one 18th fire-breathing lizard on my mother’s side, and I don’t feel comfortable with eurocentric people speaking so casually about my people’s heritage. Bad enough people feel like we’re responsible for all the wars in the world, and why aliens keep time…
Haven’t we? Pacific Rim was mostly kaiju vs jaeger fights. Not everyone liked that movie but personally I wanted more monster movies to be like it and felt let down by the 2014 Godzilla after it.
Wait, but what happened to Godzilla 2000?
Sounds like it stuck to the formula of disappearing people early on. How a movie managed to squander Cranston and Binoche is beyond me.
But Katie’s right that even if we didn’t care about those characters, they rooted the movie in a sense of scale that it never lost. There needs to be a balance, even if the first entry didn’t strike it. The only reason we think we want monsters kicking the shit out of each other for two hours is because we’ve never…
This review makes the movie sound like exactly what I wanted out of the first one. Less time spent on human characters I don’t care one bit about and more kaiju fights featuring ridiculously awesome looking monsters.
Welp, that badge is ruined for me now.
I will never be able to look at this logo the same way again...
He’s a little thought experiment (I’m not picking on you BTW). Suppose I drop you off in a desert fifty miles from the nearest habitation and I give you a choice of 8 pounds of water or 8 pounds of gold. Which do you choose? Which has “value”?