Everyone knows it’s the Germans who attacked Pearl Harbour, but forget it, you’re on a roll.
Everyone knows it’s the Germans who attacked Pearl Harbour, but forget it, you’re on a roll.
Good job on making the correction.
PISS-POOR job at making sure you have your facts straight when commenting on an issue you clearly have ZERO knowledge about to begin with.
It’s clearly Chloe Bennet.
Asking why Chun-Li is not in Mortal Kombat is like asking why Carnie Wilson won’t be at a Spice Girl reunion tour.
Isn’t that Kristin Kreuk?
most of the posts on Jez/io9/etc these days are little more than extended tweets...they’re not researched/checked/edited by anyone and are utterly disposable - a mistake in the post? who cares - we got the page views and are busy posting something else!
I believe the term is Bat-a-wang
Whenever Cyborg’s not on screen, the other characters ask “where the fuck is Cyborg?”
I bet they gave him a stern torquing to.
Gotta support the shaft and pay attention to the balls
We basically have the movie to thank for HBO lasting long enough to get all the super quality shows it has now. It was even a big pre-Internet meme that the name stood for “Hey, Beastmaster’s on.”
podo and kodo. my friends.
Naming the Guardian of Forever Carl might be the most degrading thing ever done to an all powerful time controlling super being/machine.
True. Why should she get fired for their bad behavior?
It’s always ridiculous when statements like this are made.
Let’s be fair to Zack, Enterprise was cancelled in 2005 and it’s been a long road to get from there to here.
Best you’ll get is Michael walking in on Tilly talking to herself asking, “Ziggy, why haven’t I leapt yet?”
By its very nature you can’t “destroy” time travel technology once you have it. It’s always going to be there sometime, somewhere. You can’t really destroy any technology, cause you can just remake it, that’s why it’s technology. That’s why I’ve built an atomic bomb in my basement. All I need is a few pounds of…
Wait so Michael is refounding the Federation? Can someone get Sorbo under contract for a role here?