The first thing the reporter said got me going.
The first thing the reporter said got me going.
I would hate for the Yankees to lose because a kid reached over the wall resulting in an undeserved home run. That wouldn’t be fair.
Yeah, but counterpoint: fuck the Yankees
lock him up in the basement of the Alamo
THIS guy is approved to comment?!
It is a GOOD take. And I tell it well!
Adrianne Palicki was great on AoS and it still pisses me off that they wrote her off. She’s a badass who sells the fight scenes really well and she has good comedic timing and her chemistry with Lance was wonderful.
The Orville is fine. It’s comfort food for those who long for the even TV lighting, straight camera angles, and less grimdark outlook of TNG. Sure, it may “star” Seth, but Adrianne Palicki is the first officer and she’s great, as is the rest of the cast....wait a second...
Jokes on you, I feel nothing anymore as a Jets fan.
That escalated quickly
“Never give underage recruits hookers and bribes” is TWO below “Never get involved in a land war in Asia.”
How is this not the top comment?
This might be the greatest achievement in the history of the site family. This might make Gawker worth it.
Holy shit, that is amazing. Two thumbs up!
I’d watch what I say about Barkley. You know what he’s capable of...
+1 elite
The only statue in Baltimore that could use more protection is Joe Flacco.
You accidentally wrote “room” instead of “cardboard box next to a park drinking fountain”.
Before Hef, no one gave a damn about naked women. In fact, they were considered a nuisance at the best of times.