
“you’ll need to do some clock management to take advantage.”

“you’ll need to do some clock management to take advantage.”

Just another athlete dog interview, same old athlete dog answers. Say something original for once!

I would watch the shit out of an all-dog soccer game.

“No no, after the woof, drop the mic.”

I’d say a significant number of those viewers, although I won’t put a number on it, were driven to Deadspin because of the funny joke I made in the comments comparing Phil Jackson to a dog licking his own asshole.

Do those 1.3m or so views in August include me furiously reloading the page while yelling “WHERES MY FUCKIN EAGLES PREVIEW DREW” or Is that all counted as one

Somewhere Sarah McLachlan is really wet.

You shit out your front? Please see a doctor.

But the brown is on the front?

you were so scared your balls took a shit?

I feel awful giving you a star for that.

Two-four-six-eight you know what this comment rates? A star! A star! Goooo star!!

This story is U-G-L-Y. They don’t got no alibi. It’s ugly.

The Lob.... and the Jam!

goddamnit I didn’t want to laugh at this story thanks a lot.

Seems rather aggressive...A*G*G*R*E*S*S*I*V*E!!!

I’ve been married 16 years and also get screamed at every time I try to get my wife to spread her legs.