Lion's mane is actually star-shaped.
Lion's mane is actually star-shaped.
Yep. Episodes on Thursday and Friday, but those start Season 4. Season 3 also includes the shorts they did with "Lion Tries to Fit in a Box," "The Classroom Gems," "Hot Dog Duffel Bag," and the "Extended Intro."
I'd rather have something from the Pearl Prize Pouch.
The Diamond Authority visited this planet called Gallifrey some time in the past.
They're both hams…
Come over to our side. We have meep morp style cookies.
The amount of fan service in this episode was stunning. Steven's first Gem fusion, Peridot and Lapis BONDING over CPH, Steven's first Gem fusion (I know I typed it twice), Pink Diamond confirmation…the list goes on. WHY HAS THIS SHOW NOT WON MORE AWARDS!
High meep morp.
Mine was "HOLY SHIT" repeatedly…for twenty minutes…after the episode was over.
Maybe a "Giant Woman" fusion?
Assorted Musings:
- The "Rose is Pink Diamond" theory just got poofed.
- Rose was made on Earth. (Go back and listen to what Bismuth tells Steven on the couch.)
- Rose truly loved everyone and everything. Her own weapon couldn't shatter a Gem, just poof'em.
- Even though Rose and Bismuth disagreed (typically happens when…
I was wondering where those fell in the numbering scheme.
Yep. This pretty much confirms that Rose isn't Pink Diamond, that she was made on Earth, and she was a straight up more like Batman than anyone ever noticed.
Ice Bear approves of Lonely Blade.
Ooooo. Yeeeah. They don't make those Cookie Cat models anymore. No one was buying them. It's all "Lion Licker" branded models now.
So now we know why Steven is leveling up so much this season. He's going to fight Jasper. Every hero is defined by the villain(s) he/she is matched against. Steven really hasn't faced a true adversary. Lapis was misunderstood and Peridot had her time in the sun. In the end, Steven turned both of them into allies…
I'd hate to imagine the trip to the library to look up that information.
But wouldn't America have advanced at a faster rate without Florida? (ayyyyyyyyy)
I had that "huh" moment too. Now that I think about it, I don't think Greg has actually said that he "owns" the car wash. Correct me if I'm wrong interwebs!