Now we now where Steven gets his bad luck with Funland rides from…
Now we now where Steven gets his bad luck with Funland rides from…
This was a superb episode. "Misery" is not something you want for the name of anything. It didn't do Paul Sheldon any good, and it certainly wasn't good for whoever rented out that boat. I was kinda nervous when I saw Rebecca Sugar's name attached to this episode since she likes to rip our feelings out and shatter…
Mask Island is a "floating" island ("Cat Fingers") and isn't like a normal island that is connected to the Earth's crust.
With these two "filler episodes," you realize that the Crewniverse is setting us up for a massive "feel bomb." These next two week's worth of episodes look like they are gonna be KILLERS.
Time to start auditing a few bank accounts.
Not sure if I should "up vote" this or bleach my eyes…
In horrifying ways…
I don't think this is one of Rose's powers, but unique to Steven. One of the problems Rose had was understanding humans emotions and interactions ("We Need to Talk"). Steven has shown that he can empathize with just about anyone/gem, most likely due to his human half. The "projection ability(?)" is just a natural…
Actually, she gave them another option to continue Gemkind…Steven
He did during the first few times Mr. Smiley had speaking/singing roles and Ian Jones-Quartey filled in a couple of times when he was unavailable. According to IMDB, Colton Dunn is the one doing the voice for Mr. Smiley now.…
Peridot also took over the Cartoon Network twitter for about an hour today.…
Well, there was that Scooby Doo episode with the robot running the amusement park.
His strength has been there since the first episode. We just didn't put "2+2" together until about "The Return" when he punched the dashboard and caused the airbag to go off.
"The Peridot Show Featuring The Crystal Gems…" I'd watch the heck out of that show.
I am sorry, but your restaurant story was moved to the “Behind Closed Ovens” sub-site of Gawker Media... Where we will never have to imagine that scene EVER AGAIN!
Did you take notes?
Another great artist lost to cancer less than a week after Darwyn Cooke...