So why didn’t the referee that gave him the game ball before the free throw shot notice the tampering? It looked like he had the same amount of time with it before he passed it to Millsap.
This guy is about as happy as you are...
Looks up plot on Wikipedia...
Drew Magary would disagree...
One day I will have a job that involves dismembering replica human bodies for science. Until then, I live vicariously through these guys.
And somehow still the best...
That one gallon covers your sanitary needs as well. Tooth brushing, cleaning, etc.
Yeah, but those brushes on your fur are just awful, and he has the whole ocean. Just like the fishes…
Let us never forget…Florida.
Our long national nightmare is now over…September 10. Per the Steven Crewniverse Tumblr page.
So why would they name a program after the color of what a MRSA infection looks like?
Wish there was a way to star this at least 9000 more times.
Mooooooore Staaaaaars....
Woohoo! My annual NFL advent calendar begins...
You left out Al Michaels...
On Jezebel.