
I just wanna be like, "Hey, 16-year-old me! You know how you call W a fascist motherfucker? WE ACTUALLY HAVE ONE NOW."

That is very kind!

I just couldn't make it work - MCU has Winter Soldier explicitly in cryo until 1991, when HYDRA pulls him out to assassinate Howard and Maria Stark, so I couldn't very well have him at the Berlin Wall when it came down. If I'd used the comic book version, I probably could get away with it, but it doesn't work for the

I'm so mad. Adrian Lester would have been a goddamn amazing Crowley.

Shit, at this point I'd take Cesare Borgia.

I just use the Chrome extension that changes it to "rebranded white nationalism".

Aw thanks! It's actually going to be pretty short, under 5,000 words or so. I originally planned for it to be a lot longer, but it stretched plausibility (it's not a story with a plot so much as several seemingly unconnected experiences through the decades) to have Diana keep failing to catch him so many times. So I

Man, I grew up in the Buffy and the Vampire Chronicles fandoms. "Broken, sad, hot men fucking their pain away" is like, my whole niche.

I need to finish my fic about Wonder Woman accidentally running into the Winter Soldier over the years, actually. I got stuck on the ending and I just haven't touched it in awhile because I don't like forcing myself to write; it always comes out so much worse when I do.

Will do!

Ooh, is this the day he dies of a rage stroke? Could it be?

I'll come along as fifth wheel. I'm pretty short and can fit into a suitcase.

Not yet, if only because he's probably terrified Robert Plank would bench-press him and then toss him into the Chesapeake.

If I can remember the password for the email account I was using at the time, sure!

Yeah, but I have a lead! Plus, she's visually impaired, so my being fairly unattractive is actually a huge bonus.

Just gals bein' pals!

Untrue. I haven't gotten laid since 2015!

…..I think I'm just gonna go watch Adrian Lester's rendition for the Guardian's 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death memorial again.

*writes down on hand* So….bang Brandon Tartikoff…got it.

Sure, and I'll get one for myself too. That sounds delicious.