
They want it both ways. They want to be free to express their hateful, disgusting ideas in public but they want to do it only on their own terms and never, ever be challenged. You aren't a Nazi on weekends only, motherfuckers. It doesn't change just because you don't think it should have no bearing on other aspects of

My friends named their son Logan last year. It's a nice name, and frankly, who cares if you think it's "childish"?

Native Baltimorean. Natty Boh is fucking garbage. I use it to steam crabs with, unless I can find something better.

Maryland has very similar diners. Thank fucking god, or my drunk ass would have been in so much trouble back in college.

As a native Marylander, I always die a little inside when my friends talk about Red Lobster. I can literally cook any of those seafood options at home and it would be cheaper and better quality, but no, those fucking biscuits are the draw.

Jesus, I have never in my life been more grateful that my Boomer parents fucking hate chain restaurants than I am today. That's so depressing and I hate that you're right.

Oh jeez, that's horrible. My condolences to her loved ones.

I've really enjoyed his Scarlet Witch - I like that Wanda isn't just passive and sad and letting things happen to her, but that she's active and has regained her confidence - so I'll definitely give this a shot. I'll let you know what I think!

I, for one, am fully in favor of Dresden-style firebombing neo-Nazis.

Well, I haven't heard that rumor, but so far no twin brother!

Yeah, I try to stay away from doing so myself, but you know, it's really their ideology that makes them so ugly. And the batting helmets, to which I wish someone had actually taken a metal baseball bat.

Don't worry, I'm sure they'll use the comments section solely to heap effulgent praise on the authors, which is the sole reason to have a comments section.

The header photo on this post absolutely confirmed that I am a lesbian. Jesus, these are some ugly motherfuckers on both the inside and the outside.

Ernie thinks we should give them a chance. Not having nested white supremacists is a good thing!

It wasn't, but the first three seasons were a lot of fun.

Hey, at least she has a good sense of humor about it.

But he's very athletic and does actually have good comedic timing, which is why I liked him for the part.


Nah, the kilts are too girly. They put on Confederate uniforms like real men.

They're both such great actors and it's so disheartening to hear them spout the same classist, ridiculous bullshit that people have been spouting for hundreds of years.