
I still can't believe people got so upset about this after all the sexist, racist bullshit the Obama girls and Chelsea Clinton were subjected to when their fathers were in office. Was the joke in poor taste? Sure. Did she deserve to be pilloried for it? Absolutely not.

Yeah, I remember my best friend's mom was super nervous about traveling to London back in 2007 after the Tube attacks, but then I pointed out how that's quite a rarity for them in comparison with the U.S. She had a great time.

And the Obama kids were black!

Just say no to cleavage!

And we all know that conservative women have the best fashions! Why, my style icon is Nancy Reagan! Or is it Barbara Bush? Or is it Ayn Rand…I just can't decide. My silly little ol' woman brain can't handle this many decisions!

The worst part is that they're putting mini-Black Widow in the comics. I'm like, of all the goddamn characters, Natasha doesn't need a legacy.

I'm pretty well-versed in Egyptian mythology, so I'm highly amused by the concept of this comic. Quite a lot of it really is that raunchy, because they weren't wound up about sex and had a pretty great sense of humor about most things.

Oof, I hope she feels better soon.

Margaret Stohl's Forever Red can eat my entire ass.

I just imagined Elizabeth meeting "Zoya" and lost it right here at my desk.

Poor Rich Sommer. Has he ever not played a total d-bag?

Watching GLOW actually made me interested in watching real wrestling. I'll probably never get into it really hardcore, but I've really enjoyed the matches I've watched since finishing the show, particularly the ones with female wrestlers.

I'm only commenting to tell you that I really, really like your username.

I love avocado and I like toast, but I refuse to pay for it at a restaurant. That's the stupidest, most transparently marked-up item I've ever seen.

I do. A little salt, pepper, and lemon or lime juice and I'm very happy. I love avocados, so the more you people hate them, the more of them I get to eat.

She's just mad she got banned twice.

How do you do, fellow kids?

I lost interest in the show a few seasons back, but I do think it's kind of funny that she manages to dismiss direwolves, which everybody puts so much importance on - fans and writers alike - as just "big-ass dogs".

I am so confused by everything in this article.

You ever see the film of their Central Park reunion concert from the early 80s? I laughed myself silly because they so obviously did not want to be within 100 miles of one another, let alone 10 feet. They acted like the other wasn't there even as they were harmonizing.