I'm pretty sure that was Arizona's argument for not adopting MLK Day for so long.
I'm pretty sure that was Arizona's argument for not adopting MLK Day for so long.
I dunno, unless I'm missing something, Lincoln came pretty close to zero on the horrific things front. Sure, he instituted martial law in the Union states that were also slaveholding states, but the older I get, the more sense I see in his decision.
Sounds legit, honestly.
The one thing I remember about voting on that morning is that a horde of elderly people graciously allowed me to go ahead of them so I wouldn't have to stand in line on the boot/with my crutches. I was the youngest person at the voting station and I think that may have also been a factor; they were just happy to see…
Aw, you're nice. I'm already a crier - I cry when I'm angry, overwhelmed, sad, etc. - but it's just ramped up to absolutely ridiculous levels this week.
Not by the person holding it.
I remember that night so vividly because I was still recovering from surgery to put back together the ankle I'd smashed in a car crash 2 months before. I was in a walking boot by then, and my brother and I stayed up until almost 3 AM to watch the celebrations on television. I still can't get over how fucking hopeful I…
Even W, whose guts I absolutely hated up until the day Obama took over and whom I will never ever forgive for ruining the lives of thousands of military personnel, their families, and the people and families of the people he had murdered in the name of 9/11, wasn't this much of a threat to the United States. I was…
Dude, last night I cried watching Rick Steves on PBS because he was in Italy and I wasn't in Italy too. I'm the least intimidating person on earth.
I hope so. A whole lot of people didn't make it through Ronnie Reagan, though. Their names are on a quilt now.
Mine literally are. I stayed home to get work done today due to a combination of extreme train delays (someone got hit by an Acela) and not sleeping much last night because it's bad lady week and it's hitting me really hard. I've been a weepy mess for like three days now.
I'm aware that my raging hormones are likely the driver for this, but I just cried again reading this article because I miss Obama so much. I don't agree with or like everything he did, but he was an intelligent and dignified president who brought elegance to the office, and I find it so distressing that the person…
We miss you too. I'm sorry things are so hard for you right now - it sounds like an awful situation. Please make sure you post the link to the Go Fund Me here or TIF or the Avocado. I'd like to help if I can.
That's what they keep telling me. I have made WAY more enemies here for saying stuff I thought was just, like, normal, than I ever did in middle school - and I was a Coke-bottle-glasses-wearing dorkasaurus with a perm whose mom was the damn teacher.
That's what got me interested in this site several years before I ever started commenting. I don't need things to stay exactly the same all the time or they're 100% ruined for me forever, but when you change such a fundamental aspect of a site, it's not the same site anymore. There are many others I could choose to…
Oh, they already do. At least, one of them does, if you say something she doesn't like about a certain YA author who got famous in the sixties and now embarrasses herself on Twitter with Supernatural fanfiction, anyway.
You do if you're a woman who says things men don't like.
Well, as it currently stands, I've been forced to deal with misogynists and crazy random hateful people all by my onesies.
Uhhh, do you think people NOW have a goal of responding to the authors of the article?
Not to mention Reasonable Discussions.