Man, even I've sucked dick. What's his excuse for being such a giant baby?
I probably shouldn't have laughed so hard at this as I did.
He has. I just can't resist the opportunity to poke fun at him, especially because in his recent 11 Questions interview, he just had to make sure we all knew, once again, how he thinks vaginas are icky and scary.
I definitely did.
-Dan Savage
Please, it's just a given that Peggy Carter has enough love to spread around.
Haha, not me, I was 12. Nerd. *shoves you into a locker*
I mean, sure, my lesbian friends and I do get some fun out of how safe and tame she is for the heteros, but at the same time it's very hard for us to forget just how rough she had it and how hard she's worked not just on her own behalf, but for countless others too. Ellen's a tough, badass lady who has really done a…
I was about to Google that because I had forgotten about it, and then I remembered. Good one!
I always picked Nick when my classmates would pester me during recess to tell them which boy-band member I thought was the hottest. Mostly because I thought they were all hideous, and Nick looked the most like a girl to me.
Especially given all the negative stereotypes surrounding bisexual people and men who love men.
As a lesbian, it's honestly so wild to me that the same moms who freaked the absolute fuck out over Ellen coming out 20 years ago are also now the ones who watch her talk show with almost a religious fervor. I mean, I'll take the (wildly inaccurate) comparisons to Ellen over condemnations to brimstone and fire, but…
Aw, good for him. I'm glad that he came out of his own accord, not because he felt pressurized to do so. I hope things get better for Aaron from here on out.
I was interested in the ship's sinking several years before the movie came out, so seeing it recreated was a big deal for me as a 12-year-old. I cried most of my way through the movie, which amused my mother ("[Shulkie], you already know how it ends!"), but I couldn't articulate to her just why it made me cry. I was…
This "199[x] Week" stuff was a lot better before it got to the stuff that I can actually remember with clarity now. If I wanted to go back to being 12, I'd just hop in a time machine and give my younger self a lecture on why no, perms aren't cool and haven't been cool for well over five years now and also the lady…
If you like horseradish, come to Baltimore and get a pit beef sandwich from Chaps. The tiger sauce (mayo and horseradish) will practically blow the top of your head off. It's great.
Goddamn it, Pattinson, don't you dare take this away from me. Don't you dare.