
I don't see anything wrong with posting photos on social media - I actually really enjoy seeing pictures of my friends' kids - but I think you have the right idea there. If you're more consumed with documenting the event than you are in participating in it, you've already lost. I'm a picture-taker at parties and such,

I should find a 90-year-old lesbian with lots of money and a nice art collection.

People like that have a desperate need to validate their life choices, which is why they continuously post about being a mom on social media and freak out if anyone chooses to not have children or not parent their children in the same way - they feel like they're being judged for their choices.

Only the ones who jettison everything about themselves to focus on being moms and make their worlds revolve around their children do. I'm just glad my parents, although they made sure that my brother and I were the first priority, did not make us their only priority. They retained their own hobbies and interests and

I wish they'd spread some of that cheddar around to this white woman.

Also, American Girl dolls have been around for like 25 years. They aren't really a new fad. I had one when I was a kid.

I don't love the song, but I do like her singing voice quite a lot.

Yeah, this is pro-Soc discrimination all the way.

Yeah, why can't I?

I don't think this article is arbitrarily deciding that Dunkirk is suddenly a piece of shit after the AV Club gave it a good review. It's just pointing out an element that could have been improved upon. I'm not going to not go see the movie simply because it failed to include Indian and Pakistani soldiers, and I don't

And that's fine. You don't have to agree with me. I just personally don't want to see more of it.

He's a really nice guy! Very smart and a lot of fun to hang out with at parties. (He likes my deviled eggs so much that once when I announced there were two left, he leaped over the back of the sofa to go get them before anyone else could.) He and his wife and newborn just almost got sent to Alaska for two years, but

Yeah, it looks like.

I finally had enough and blocked him. I'm sick to death of him being so aggressive and hostile for no good goddamn reason. I hope eventually the mods kick his ass out.

Coast Guardsman. Though the guy I know usually just calls himself a Coastie.

I can totally forgive people who don't know that, because there are lots of reasons people might not. We really didn't care too much about the tips as much as we cared about guests being at least semi-decent and not leaving the rooms looking like a tornado hit them. Tips were just a fun, unexpected bonus - we'd buy a

And you truly, really really truly, need to learn that you are an insufferable, condescending, overly hostile asshole. Go fuck yourself.

Yeah, the other kid sounds like an oblivious doofus. But David is clearly distressed by the idea of the Boy Scouts booing the former president and, having now read the article at the Post website, that the speech was political at all. David's got his head screwed on straight.

….I had to google and make sure it wasn't "Fly Like an Eagle" Steve Miller. Whew.

Jesus. I actually feel pretty bad for that poor kid.