
Well, he definitely fired the shit out of Charisma Carpenter from Angel because he got mad at her for getting pregnant, and then spent the next entire season shitting all over her character. Not to mention all the "hilarious" ways he's managed to have various characters called the c-word and threatened with rape over

Further comments from this user do indeed indicate this.

Makes sense, because Joss Whedon's been coasting on Buffy's popularity for the past 20 years and hasn't changed his view of feminism since then and is now only capable of reproducing the same tired bullshit.


I use chicken breast for picatta or marsala, because its blandness is well suited to sauteeing and smothering in highly-flavored sauces. But man, dark meat on a chicken is the best part.

This is gross and I feel gross having read it.

Oh, god, ew. No wonder Skottie Young was so upset.

Out of curiosity, I decided to look up Outback Steakhouse in Maryland.

Well, nice is different from good. It checks out.

I was saying Moo-urns.

Nixon actually had a modicum of dignity, though.

That's hilarious. I'm sure he's very concerned about the mental health of cisgender and heterosexual service members too, and works tirelessly to give them all the support they need when they return from deployment!

Sounds like your coworker doesn't understand the difference between being gay and transgender. But then, people who say "homosexual" in anything but a clinical sense tend not to care much about that anyway.

What a rare opportunity, to get to feel like I'm dancing on one's grave before he's actually dead.

You know, I was pretty dumb when I was 24, but thank god I was never this fucking dumb.

Listen, at least Lyft would hold Mooch accountable if he got up to any funny business.

Donny T! You just missed the craziest of crazies. Clubs, girls, dancing, naked, Sarah Huckabee Sanders?! Argument, police, fleeing the scene, sucking my own dick, crashing in the White House press room for a week because technically I’m hoooooooomeless!

I burst out laughing when I saw the headline on CNN. Jesus, this administration is cycling through staff faster than a Penn Station McDonald's.

Stay gold, Moochiboy, stay gold.

I was just about to say this. Goddamn, he was a great Chuck Yeager. Almost as cool as the real man himself.