
I actually know absolutely nothing about sewing or crafting, and I tried to be very up front about that with the customers - who did not care at all and would still ask me for recommendations anyway.

My married-couple friends went on a trip to Europe this spring and loved it. Of course, I now can't see a reference to David without snickering, because the wife told me in total earnest, "That statue is HUGE. Seriously. His cock is as big as my entire head!" Because I'm 12.

I remember getting to see a Monet exhibit when I was 12 or so - it was traveling at the time and came to the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore - and what an absolutely moving experience it was for me, even at such a young age. Getting to see up-close the way the paint is laid on the canvas was incredible. I had always

Van Gogh's Irises, the one he painted when he was in the asylum. He's my favorite artist anyway, but there's something about the liquidity and beauty of the flowers in this painting that I especially love.

I realize that I am PMSing hardcore and am consequently much more emotional and sensitive than usual, but holy shit this made me cry. I just needed to see something nice today.

Here are some links from a post on Tumblr I saw a few minutes ago that might be helpful to anyone who wants to do something more than just show solidarity:

Right? This is like the James Bond movie of my lesbian dreams, I swear to god.

The fuck? Why is Placebo on this list?! There's literally no way their first album is worse than anything by Linkin Park.

Buzzfeed has Anne Helen Petersen, so they pretty much win. I followed her from The Hairpin (RIP).

It was. I used to read it when I was in college quite often and it was a very good blog then. Of course, this was well over a dozen years ago, sigh.

Oh, I definitely left my shift in tears more than once because I'd gotten screamed at. But I was 16/17 and naive.

Actually, it's me.

I should clarify that I don't think he's a loser. But I come from this as someone who wishes very much as an adult that she had listened to her own father as a teenager about college/career stuff.

Forever! Forever! Forever. Forever. Forever….

Oyyy. I can tell I'm an adult now because I find myself agreeing with parents more and more. You can keep on doing the Youtube thing, but dude, your dad isn't wrong. You need something else to fall back on because this isn't going to last forever.

They're neat! Rather small, about the size of Israeli couscous, and you can't really strip them off the branches that easily so you just get rid of the big stems and extract juice from it by squishing it with a potato masher and cooking it up to release the liquid. They taste like tart blackberries with a little

Tangentially related,we're doing a meetup at Penn Social at 7 tonight, just in case you didn't see Sukaluski downthread. Hope you can make it!

Happy (early) birthday!

Went to a farmer's market on Saturday and came across fresh elderberries! So I made four pints of jelly. It is delicious and I feel very accomplished.

I'll be there!