
Seitan duck is actually pretty delicious. But I wouldn't eat it often because it's so processed.

The sashimi interests me the most out of everything listed here, if only because I find it fascinating that they could do that with a tomato. I'm generally wary of anything overly manufactured, however, so even if the pea protein burger tastes good, I'm not convinced it's actually better for me than a 90-10 patty.

I'm well aware of how shitty and low-quality most "honey" sold in the U.S. is, so I make a special point to buy local. And I also plant flowers specifically to attract and feed bees. I feel like maybe we could help them more if we did stuff like that.

Gonna paint your wagonnnnnnnn!

I visited London 10 years ago while on my culinary internship in Ireland and some friends took the train down from Manchester to see me. That was probably one of the most fun days I've ever had in my life. I haven't talked to them in awhile (nothing bad, we've just gotten busy and lost touch) and I don't know if they

What was James Corden supposed to do, exactly?

I love how his priorities are so obviously in the right place and expressed in such a sensitive way during this time of grief and loss.

Damn right.

I already anticipate crying my way through the movie every time Leia shows up. I'm just resigned to it.

Leia looks like the queen that she is and I'm gonna ruin my mascara for like the third time this morning.

I think you're right - I've seen the same thing in Wegmans.

Except this very article states that the veggie burger has no advantage, healthwise.

What's the point of the vegan honey, exactly? Wouldn't you do better to support the bees by buying raw honey from local hives?


This, yes. It's a fucking great movie.


I've never been able to watch the whole thing.

If Subaru really wanted to be naturalistic, they'd feature lesbians and only lesbians in their ads. Preferably the kind with lots of dogs.

Me too. I've taken to calling him "that fucking Chevy beardo" and violently punching the buttons on my channel changer to make him go away. I'd rather watch a thousand Progressive commercials with Flo than another one with this asshole.

I laughed so damn hard at that.