
Ok, now I understand why all the hostility here - seems like palin herself or her paid trolls are stalking the few remaining places/opportunities she can find to keep her name out there - anything for attention - ANYTHING. Outclassed?? You’re actually claiming that PALIN outclassed the rapper!? Palin has proven her


Well, I agree with you Faux. You’ll see my comments once they approve to post. Not sure why aqua became offended over your comments regarding your wife. No need for hostility here. You shared a few things about your wife - your honesty is refreshing - your opinion regarding why palin shouldn’t respond makes sense to

Why so hostile towards faux used? If I may add my 2 cents here - not judging you. I’m trying to understand why you’re reacting with such anger over comments he made about his wife? Sounds like his wife has been subjected to racism and/or personal attacks. If anyone heard my mouth while in the privacy of my own home or