Shuffling the Deck

It’s a turn of phrase we use here to speak generally about a situation like this. It’s not limited to solely the deceased. Those left behind are victims, as well. You will become more familiar with this term by the time you turn 17, or grow weary of working at International Research Agency and finally defect. 

Well, I mean the Republicans have a pirate. There’s that. 

Kentucky (sorry to all of you who live there, but your voting record sorta speaks volumes) isn’t a fan of ‘the Jews’ or ‘the Gays’ or ‘the Blacks’.

Here are the newly elected members of Congress. See if you can spot a pattern.

Coulter, a literal embodiment of toxicity in human form, is incapable of understanding that minorities have no problem with white men who aren’t actively awful towards them. Being a white guy is easy. If you’re not actively being racist, sexist, transphobic, etc, then people will give you a chance. You run the

I know it’s hard to understand, but it’s up to US, the VOTERS to defeat Republicans. We made good progress this year and now we need to do it again in 2020, then 2022, then 2024 and then forever more into the future.

We have always been at war with Weastasia. 

Colin Kaepernick.

Ouch. The strength of your riposte has caused me to leave the field and delete my account. Your brilliance is that of moment just as a supernova bursts across the heavens irradiating the firmament in its death reminding all of us of our mortality as the universe expands to its own inevitable heat death. think they sleep in the same room/bed.

We need a older white man (not to old) with Left leaning/Centrist policies.

Which Hunt! No Contusion! 

Remember when Our President was smarter than most of us? And could read? And write? Remember what it was like to have an intelligent President?

This is all a ruse. Trump only wants Ivanka to be the chief of his sta-

Anyone qualified to be the White House's Chief of Staff is smart enough not to want the job. And vice versa 

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, kid.

He is simply trying to plant a talking point, blatantly. "The president is innocent", repeats the fox viewer

It’s clear why he’s done so little in office (aside from his folks putting up judges to go through the judg approval factory that is the United States Senate), because criming is his full-time job. Running a campaign and presidenting is apparently a part-time job for him.

Combination dementia and personality disorder in a person of unusually low intelligence to begin with.

You could roll real slow over him.