Shuffling the Deck

Rockyou... has a point. After all, who sent him to Oral Roberts University to get brainwashed into this Christianist extremism?

The answer to the problem of recovering his body is simply that they don’t get to do that. Any effort to recover this man’s body will further disturb these people and put them at risk. This man broke the law, and selfishly and stupidly attempted to force his religion on people who do not want it. Sometimes committing

I don’t feel bad for his family. They’re probably the ones that brainwashed him and made him think this was ok in the first place. This is the logical conclusion.

Just leave him. You don’t get to act like a paternalistic colonizer and then get your body recovered through even more outside contact with a society that clearly wants none. He can rot.

“I felt some fear but mainly was disappointed,” he admitted. “They didn’t accept me right away.”

I think we probably are better off leaving science to the scientists

If it’s protected speech, and they’re proud of it, unblur their faces.

I can’t wait for people to start screaming about dictionaries having a liberal bias 

The truth? We have nothing to do with them anymore. Was it just the politics? No, but I would ask you to take a long look at these people. Do they lack empathy? Do they have extreme difficulty admitting personal faults? Is it always someone else’s fault when something goes wrong? Do they mask crippling self

Moreover, because of students’ First Amendment rights, the district is not in a position to punish the students for their actions

Yeah, my first thought after finding that out “oh, so it’s not the worst thing he’s ever written.”

“having penned most of Disney’s Pirates Of The Caribbean movies”

No one is pissed off at you. We just think you’re a bunch of laughable easily-swindled idiots. The most charitable way to put it is that we pity you.

The slur is in and of itself racist. He used to compare anti-vaxers to racists. He is an idiot.

I always enjoy it whenever a dictionary decides to weigh in.

Except the voters - they are made in Russia.

Some important points. 1) Being anti-vax is a choice. 2) It endangers the lives of the innocent. 3) It’s built on a pack of debunked lies.

Yes and yes.

The preferred nomenclature isn’t “anti-vax”, it’s “pro-disease”!

You think it pisses people off to know you spent $55 dollars for something worth 2 bucks and that warns them you’re trash?