No they are not.
From the article:
One of the coldest we’ve seen from the standpoint of cold?
And now here with the weather is meteorologist Donny Trump...
Why are trolls trying to whitesplain what makes “America Great” to me I don’t know. I don’t give a damn about the ideals when this country doesn’t even attempt to try to live up to them. It makes noises as though it wants to but when push comes to shove and it comes time to take action, it will do the wrong thing for…
I started the video, and then looked at the time. I’m not listening to this orange asshole struggle with seeming thankful for a full two minutes.
Dude’s going to meet his maker with “fucking nigger” on his lips.
That was the best one of 178 takes.
Just wait until he finds out the 9th Circuit has voided his Presidential turkey pardon and the turkey is already being grilled by Bob Mueller.
His actions caused this. I carry a gun. You know what I don't do? Start shit. Why? Because it can lead to an escalation to where I shoot someone. No argument is worth that. He's at fault. He put himself in that situation. He should have apologized and backed off. He thinks his gun is backup for his mouth. It's not.
Telling him to keep his racist gob shut would have been better advice. Silently accepting his racism only emboldens him to be more racist. Staying silent about racism doesn’t make it go away. Get it now?
Here’s some truth...
Speaktruthyall is a known racist troll. Check the users comment history.
Don’t engage the racist troll, let it stay in the greys, and if it comments, flag and dismiss.
Or maybe, I don’t know, not insult a stranger in the first place and leave them in peace. Because that mob of people might also be armed. Fuck that guy and fuck you for defending him.
You’ve only got one fact in your screed. There was a guy who pulled a gun. The rest is your fantasy.
So what’s your lesson here? It’s OK be a racist pud carrying a weapon and picking fights as long as the children you’re picking on get mad at you for it?
Since you’re being an asshole, I can pull a gun on you?