Shuffling the Deck

Agreed, 1 comment calling him out is fine as alerts everyone so they hopefully won’t engage with him any more. Any more than that and it just pushes him up toward the top.

Yeah, I’ve heard that one but I think he has an account(s) which he doesn’t troll with. He then uses that to ungreyed himself, or people just easily fall for his schtick.

May I suggest doing a quick check of someone’s comment history before ungreying them instead of doing it based on one comment. Even TomatoFace has had comments that were recommended by staff.

There you are, Tomato. You’re going to be busy today and tomorrow.

You do know that a lot of old people's vernacular habits are racist?

Tucker Carlson will be covering this act of domestic terrorism tomorrow night.

I don’t think that’s TomatoFace. Tomato only comments during the weekdays. 

But if you compare the hairstyles of the black cheerleaders only one has hair like that:

Maybe not. I have to believe that she was aware of the risk of facing threats as well as losing her job, which of course she doesn't deserve either outcome. I think that makes it all the more brave.

Pretty sure this is her:

Remember the story of David and Goliath?”


Nah, he legitimately got followed by Splinter. I thought he was ungreying himself from another account, but nope.

I’m dissapointed. I was expecting Toobin to actually call him a racist, instead of just implying it. Just say the term, he's racist.

They’re Halloween costumes, they’re not supposed to fit.

Ok, so what's going on with Splinter? The comment section has basically become TomatoFace's playground. Obvious trolls are getting ungreyed, and a bunch respected commenters are getting thrown back in the greys. This is happening less than a week before the midterms. Seriously, WTF?

Could we stop taking TomatoFace serious? Shit is ridiculous.

Let it go.

He likes the smell of her in the morning?

Nah, it's him. He just changed the name from Craft Beer.