Fuck off Tomato.
Fuck off Tomato.
How about keep the "like" button, but not display how many "likes" a tweet gets. It allows users to save tweets they enjoy, and people can see how many others enjoyed their tweets. Trolls/boots have been using the amount of likes a tweet/comment gets to promote certain narratives because it's human nature to follow…
Kill yourself, you're a piece of shit.
What he’s saying is these people (white supremacists) think Jews are trying to destroy “Western Civilization” which is false. They think Climate Change is false, but it’s actually real.
When I was in college I was pledging a fraternity (Yes, I regret doing that). We were given the task of going around the surrounding area and stealing as many Halloween decorations as possible to decorate the fraternity house. It was basically a competition to see who could get the best items. Me and another guy…
Top Youth Soccer Recruits for Trump can't possibly be a real thing.
Just a few days ago my Fox-loving uncle was joking about how he wants to go down to the border and start picking off the caravan starting at the back like a sniper would. Republicans have gone from not granting asylum status to killing children. That's where we are at.
Abortion and guns. The party of pro-life.
Maybe he should to an investigation into what a Devil's Triangle is. Shouldn't take long.
Similar to the "OK" hand sign origins.
In addition to the obvious Craft Beer account, I’m suspicious of ARP2 who also has a comment on this article because:
That’s him admitting CNN was targeted because they criticize him. It’s basically saying if they don’t stop criticizing him fast, then they should expect more of this.
Probably the same way LastCommentOnTheLeft and TheBigE34 got ungreyed (both obvious racist trolls). Splinter schtick has become getting people mad (Libby's Obama article was pure garbage). I guess they just want trolling to run wild. Maybe it has something to do with the site going under.
Yep. Pretty sure I know his ungreyed account too, at least 1 of them.
You're just starring and unstarring your comments from your ungreyed account aren't you?
1) Is Kilmeade truly that stupid, or does he just think we are?
You just made things so much worse.
It's interesting that you completely missed the point.
Thousands of Twitter accounts claiming to be Staten Island residents support him though. Take that Libtards.