
Are you about to cry? Sorry about that.

LOL No I would not. I’ve said much worse to people IRL and have yet to get my ass kicked. Besides, you don’t even know me. You think I’m some 5'3 110lb anorexic kid? XD

Fine whatever, dude. You be a sensitive person and get offended by meaningless words and I will not.

Pretty hard to live in a world that if you don’t support the masses views than you should be shunned by all. Thanks, you’re right. I am the problem. Glad you showed me how wrong my ways are.

No judgement, just straight talk: you don’t get to choose what offends other people. The condescending tone implied in “GG EZ” offends a lot of people, even if it doesn’t offend you. That’s empathy 101.

Whether it truly was easy for you or not doesn’t factor into what’s sportsman-like and what isn’t. Telling someone they need to try harder at the end of a game isn’t sporting. Neither is telling them they were an easy opponent for you. They’ll know by the score. Say something encouraging and friendly or just don’t say

You know, outside of the internet world, I am a pretty outspoken person, I say whats on my mind and have no regrets about it.

Yeah, that’s never why people say gg ez, but nice try to justify people being dicks.

You are, in this very instant, getting offended by “meaningless” words (whatever that even means). You need to stop typing what you’re thinking, and start thinking about what you’re typing.

Saying “gg ez” isn’t constructive, it’s destructive. It’s insulting in competition and always has been, and “try harder” is just as insulting.

If you think it was an easy win, great, move on with your life. I’m pretty sure the team that got beat knows that they got beat once that “Defeated” slams on their screen. No

“GG EZ” is 100% shit talking, despite you trying to jump through hoops to justify how it isn’t.

The part about it being lighthearted and silly is what you may have missed in all your hyper analysis. For every team that steamrolls to success, there is another with players that might be frustrated. So a “gg” wasn’t a “gg” if it was “easy”. It’s passive aggressive stupidity and is being matched with humor.

That behavior seems acceptable to you, but other people think it’s kind of obnoxious. So that’s why it’s terrific.

“If it was easy, it was easy. I’ve won games against opponents that couldn’t make it past their base. That’s easy. Saying it’s easy is like saying “try harder” cause that was easy...”

the pro-“free speech”/anti-any-sort-of-consequence-for-being-a-noxious-dick crowd is throwing a fit over this

This is terrific.

Right, same, but for Castle in the Sky.

A “choice to alter his destiny,” huh? They must’ve cut the epilogue where he realizes that the forest is pretty boring and he’s actually going to go kill thousands of people after all.